JCDR - Register at Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X
Orthopaedics Section DOI : 10.7860/JCDR/2020/44142.13655
Year : 2020 | Month : Apr | Volume : 14 | Issue : 04 Full Version Page : RD01 - RD04

Knee Effusion with Peripheral Eosinophilia: A Need to Rule out Idiopathic Eosinophilic Synovitis

Suneel Kumar1, Gaurav Kumar Upadhyaya2, Amit Kumar3

1 Senior Resident, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, India.

NAME, ADDRESS, E-MAIL ID OF THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Dr. Gaurav Kumar Upadhyaya, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS, Raebareli-229405, Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-mail: drgkupadhyaya@yahoo.co.in

Synovial Fluid Eosinophilia (SFE) is a rare finding. Minor SFE is defined as <10% eosinophils of the total leucocyte count in Synovial Fluid (SF), and major SFE as >10% eosinophils of the total leucocyte count in SF. The aetiology and pathophysiology of eosinophilic synovitis is unclear. Most commonly affected joints are Knees; however ankle, elbow and metatarso-phalangeal joint involvement is also being reported. A 10-year-old girl reported with history of pain, swelling and difficulty in bending left knee since five days. On the basis of investigations such as blood investigations including complete blood count, Rheumatoid factor, filarial card test etc., radiographs of knee and arthrocentesis of knee, she was diagnosed as Eosinophilic Synovitis of Knee with peripheral eosinophilia without any known cause. She was treated with Ibuprofen 200 mg BD for 10 days and was relieved of her complaints. After one and half year of follow-up, there were no episodes of recurrent pain or swelling and patient was doing well.


Blood eosinophilia,Synovial fluid,Synovial fluid eosinophilia

Case Report

A 10-year-old girl reported with history of pain, swelling and difficulty in bending left knee since five days. Pain was dull aching in character, mild in intensity, increases with flexion and walking and was relieved by rest and medication. There was no history of trauma, fever, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, watering from eyes or burning micturition. There was no history of treatment for any allergic conditions, drug allergy or skin lesion. No other joints were involved and there was no significant family history.

On local examination, patient had knee swelling without any erythema. Local temperature was slightly raised, there was no tenderness on palpation, range of motion was 0°-110° which was painful and distal neuro-vascular examination was normal. There was no evidence of inguinal and popliteal lymphadenopathy and systemic examination was unremarkable. On the basis of history and clinical examination, differential diagnosis of reactive synovitis, juvenile arthritis, low grade septic arthritis and effusion due to blood dyscrasia was made.

Patient was investigated for further management in the form of blood investigation which included Complete Blood Count (CBC) with peripheral smear, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C Reactive Protein (CRP), Rheumatoid factor, Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), Filaria card test (antigen) and serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Blood investigations revealed peripheral eosinophilia of 29% [Table/Fig-1]. Stool examination was performed for ova and cyst and was found to be negative. Radiograph of left knee showed effusion [Table/Fig-2]. Arthrocentesis of left knee was performed under aseptic conditions and approximately 20 mL of synovial fluid was aspirated which was examined for gross appearance, routine microscopy, biochemical and microbiological (Gram staining and Acid Fast Bacilli staining, culture and sensitivity) analysis [Table/Fig-3].

Blood investigations.

Complete blood countHaemoglobin: 12.9 g%Total leukocyte count: 11320 cells/mm3Neutrophils: 43%Lymphocytes: 26%Monocytes: 2%Eosinophils: 29%Platelets: 368000/mm3
Peripheral smearNormocytic normochromic with eosinophilia. No blood parasites seen.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate10 mm in 1st hr.
C-reactive protein0.6 mg/dL
Rheumatoid factorNegative
Mantoux testNegative
Filarial card test (antigen)Negative
Serum IgE89 (normal <150 KIU/L)
Anti-nuclear antibodyNegative

Anterioposterior and lateral view radiograph of the left knee suggestive of effusion of knee showing no bony abnormality.

Synovial fluid analysis.

Physical analysisAmount: 20 mLColour: StrawTurbidity: PresentCoagulum: Not presentSpecific gravity: 1.005pH: 7:0
Chemical analysisSugar: 70 mg/dLProtein: 4.30 gm/dL
Microscopic findingTotal leucocyte count: 1790 cells/cummPolymorphs: 06%Lymphocytes: 15%Eosinophils: 79%No red blood cellsGram staining: NegativeAFB staining: NegativeOthers: Nil
Culture and sensitivityNo growth

AFB: Acid fast bacilli

On the basis of investigations, she was diagnosed as Eosinophilic Synovitis of Knee with peripheral eosinophilia without any known cause. She was treated with Ibuprofen 200 mg BD for 10 days and was relieved of her complaints. After one and half year of follow-up, there were no episodes of recurrent pain or swelling and patient was doing well.


The SFE is a rare finding. There is no consensus regarding the definition of SFE. Some authors consider SFE as the presence of eosinophils in SF at any extent [1,2]. While some authors consider those SFs with differential count of >2% eosinophils and others with the eosinophils count at a percentage >10% [3,4]. Few authors have described the difference between minor and major SFE [2,4,5], and they have considered only major SFEs to have clinical relevance. Minor SFE was defined as <10% eosinophils of the total leucocyte count in SF, and major SFE as >10% eosinophils of the total leucocyte count in SF. In present case, eosinophils in SF were 79% of the total leucocyte count which defines this case as major SFE. Most commonly affected joints are Knees, however ankle, elbow and metatarso-phalangeal joint involvement is also being reported [4,6,7]. The patient sub-group of eosinophilic synovitis is generally children or young adults and is predominantly females as in present case also [5]. The synovitis usually presents with a large component of joint effusion but with few inflammatory signs and resolves rapidly on treatment with Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) [2,4,5,8,9].

A literature search was performed on Pubmed using words ‘synovial fluid Eosinophilia’ and ‘peripheral eosinophilia’, ‘eosinophilic synovitis knee’. Bibliographical references of relevant retrieved articles were also checked. The search yielded a total of 13 papers in English language and 1 paper in French language from 1975 to 2015 which included 9 case reports and 5 case series and a total of 54 patients of eosinophilic synovitis [2-15]. Clinical characteristics as well as haematological and synovial fluid parameters of patients presented with eosinophilic synovitis presented till now have been summarised in [Table/Fig-4,5]. Out of 54 patients, four patients had minor SFE and 50 patients presented with major SFE. About 18 patients were reported as having Idiopathic eosinophilic synovitis.

Clinical characteristics of patients with Eosinophilic Synovitis [2-15].

Sl. No.StudyYearJoint involvedNo. of patientsTreatmentAssociated clinical conditionDiagnosis
1Present case2020Knee01NSAID’SNoneIdiopathic
2Muralidharagopalan NR et al., [11]2015Knee01Diethylcarbamazine for three weeksNoneIdiopathic
3Vazquez Trinanes C et al., [8]201310
Minor SFEKnee01No treatmentTKA for OANA
Ankle01No treatmentAsthmaAllergic
Knee01No treatmentTraumaTraumatic
Major SFEKnee01NANoneSeptic
Knee01NANonePsoriatic Arthritis
Knee01NANonePharmacological Eosinophilia
4Atanes A et al., [5]1996Knee01NSAIDSNoneIdiopathic
5Tauro B [9]1995Knee12Diethylcarbamazine for three weeksNoneIdiopathic
6Padeh S et al., [6]1992Ankle01PrednisolonePruritusAllergic
7Kay J et al., [3]19881st case Knee03Penicillin, Ampicillin and MinocyclineNoneLyme Disease
2nd case KneeTetracycline
3rd case KneeSalicylates
8Brown JP et al., [4]1986MTP01NAEye allergyPseudoallergic
Knee01NAEye allergyPseudoallergic
Knee01NASkin allergyPseudoallergic
Knee01NANasal allergyPseudoallergic
Knee01NANasal allergyPseudoallergic
9Al-Dabbagh AI and Al-Irhayim B [10]1983Knee01Arthrotomy+Penicillin+ PrednisoloneNasal and pharyngeal alllergyPseudoallergic
10Amor B et al., [2]1983Knee (5), Rest NA*11NAIdiopathic (1)Allergic (3)Pseudoallergic (1)Heamarthrosis (1)Post arthrography (2)Psoriatic Rheumatism (1)Filarial arthritis (1)Gougerot Sjogren’s Syndrome (1)
11Luzar MJ and Friedman BM [12]1982Knee01NANoIdiopathic
12Klofkorn RW and Lehman TJ [13]19821st case Knee2nd case Knee021st pt Cyproheptadine2nd pt Antihistamine therapyUrticaria and AngioedemaAllergic
13Podell TE et al., [7]1980Elbow01No treatmentNoIdiopathic
14Hasselbacher P and Schumacher HR [15]1978NA02NAAfter arthrographyGout
15Goldenberg DL et al., [14]1975Knee01Radiotherapy+ChemotherapyAdenocarcinoma of sigmoid colonMetastatic synovitis

MTP: Metatarso-phalangeal; NA: Not available; NSAID’S: Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs; OA: Osteoarthritis; SFE: Synovial fluid eosinophilia; S. No.: Serial number; TKA: Total knee arthroplasty

*Rest NA means data not available regarding which joint is involved

Haematological parameters and synovial fluid parameters in patients with Eosinophillic Synovitis [2-15].

S. No.StudyBlood parameters (TLC/mm3 and Eosinophils in %)Synovial fluid parameters (TLC /mm3 and Eosinophils in %)
1Present case11320 and 29%1790 and 79%
2Muralidharagopalan NR et al., [11]6000 and 12%10000 and 95%
3Vazquez Trinanes C et al., [8]
Minor SFE (3 patients)1NA and no peripheral eosinophilia10000 and 1%
2NA and no peripheral eosinophilia1260 and 3%
3NA and no peripheral eosinophilia92000 and 2%
Major SFE (7 patients)419680 and 410 (2.4%)NA and 85%
512590 and 90 (0.7%)NA and 75%
6NANA and 20%
77810 and 0NA and 85%
89500 and 810 (8.5%)NA and 38%
913240 and 7280 (54%)NA and 76%
107530 and 150 (2%)NA and 90%
4Atanes A et al., [5]5020 and 2.4%2000 and 67%
5Tauro B (12 patients) [9]Mean 11200 and 6%1200-20500, 75-90% in 8 patients., 60-75% in 4 patients.
6Padeh S et al., [6]NA and 1700/mm3 eosinophillsNA,68%
7Kay J et al., [3]7000 and 3%7000 and 3%11200 and 10%18100 and 79%16250 and 34%38850 and 50%
8Brown JP et al., [4]NA and Mean eosinophills 393±82/mm310850±3665/mm3 and 41±5%
9Al-Dabbagh AI and Al-Irhayim B [10]11400 and 20% eosinophils10500 and 68% eosinophils
10Amor B et al., [2]
Allergic1NA and 399/mm36300 and 36%
2NA and 2180/mm310000 and 87%
3NA and 310/mm35800 and 33%
Pseudoallergic4NA and 207/mm33690 and 26%
Idiopathic5NA and No eosinophiliaNA and 73%
11Luzar MJ and Friedman BM [12]NA and No eosinophilsNA and 95%
12Klofkorn RW and Lehman TJ [13] (2 pts)12000 and 1%8200 and 2%12000 and 56%2100 and 7% (minor eosinophilia)
13Podell TE et al., [7]7000 and 1-2%10000 and 83%
14Hasselbacher P and Schumacher HR [15]NA and NA5150 and 24%
15Goldenberg DL et al., [14]7650 and 2%8000 and 28%

NA: Not available; SFE: Synovial fluid eosinophilia; S. No.: Serial number; TLC: Total leucocyte count

Eosinophils are derived from hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to the myeloid series and then to the basophil-eosinophil lineage [16]. The main mediators of toxicity to micro organisms as well as human tissue such as synovitis in this case are eosinophil cationic protein, major basic protein, Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin (EDN) [17]. Normal level of eosinophils in the blood is usually 1-6%. Peripheral blood eosinophilia is the usual guide for the presence of an eosinophilic disorder. The degree of blood eosinophilia can be categorised into mild {Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) 600-1500 cells/mm3}, moderate (AEC 1500-5000 cells/ mm3), or severe (AEC >5000 cells/ mm3) [18].

Minor SFE, in the range of 1-10%, can occasionally be found in post-traumatic haemorrhagic effusions, rheumatoid arthritis and parasitic diseases. Major SFE is rare and may be found in systemic and local parasitic infections, allergic and pseudoallergic disorders, connective tissue disorders, septic arthritis, pseudogout, in patients with malignancy and in patients with arthrography [4,14,15]. Causes of SFE has been summarised in [Table/Fig-6] [3,11].

Causes of synovial fluid eosinophilia.

Parasitic diseasesAscariasisAncyclostomiasisFilariasisOthersAllergic and pseudoallergic causesAngioedemaUrticariaDermatographismAtopic diseasesRheumatoid arthritisTubercular arthritisSeptic arthritisPsoriatic arthritisPseudogoutLyme diseasePost traumatic effusionsMalignancyPost-arthrographyRadiationIdiopathic

The aetiology and pathophysiology of eosinophilic synovitis is unclear. Majority of the patients of Idiopathic variety does not have peripheral eosinophilia at the time of development of synovitis which suggests that synovitis is not in response to a systemic condition. In cases with a specific cause for synovitis such as parasites, metastasis or contrast material; it may be postulated that SFE is a response by the synovium to an unknown stimulus [5]. In present case also, an unknown stimulus may be the triggering factor for accumulation of eosinophils in the synovium causing synovitis.

Many systemic conditions such as Churg Strauss syndrome, Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES) and others which cause intense peripheral eosinophilia does not usually cause eosinophilic synovitis and majority of the cases of eosinophilic synovitis does not have peripheral eosinophilia [8].

Brown JP et al., have suggested a ‘pseudoallergic reaction’ in their patients with dermatographism. Pseudoallergic reactions are defined as group of symptoms that mimics the clinical feature of an allergic reaction but its pathophysiology does not involve the usual immunological mechanisms which are associated with immediate type hypersensitivity. Mast cell degranulation in response to physical stimulus has been postulated in patients with dermatographism [4].

The case of pharmacological eosinophilia was reported with the use of fluvastatin. However, no other case of fluvastatin induced eosinophilia has been reported till now [8]. Al-Dabbagh AI and Al-Irhayim B, performed an open synovial biopsy from knee joint and extensive degree of infiltration of synovial lining was found, mainly by eosinophils. However, we did not perform any biopsy [10].

Present case also has been reported from an endemic region for filariasis as similar to cases reported by others, however no any evidence of infection with filaria either in blood or synovial fluid was found [9,11,19].

Kay J et al., reported three cases of SFE with Lyme disease. Two of these patients had protracted course of illness before diagnosis could be made. Even third patient could be diagnosed as Lyme disease after three months of presentation [3]. We did not perform test for Lyme disease at the first presentation and as in present case patient did not had any history of fever, cough, rash, headache, lymphadenopathy, any other joint involvement and she responded well to treatment and swelling has not recurred in follow-up period, we have excluded Lyme disease as the cause.


Eosinophilic synovitis is an uncommon clinical condition. Idiopathic variety has a good prognosis and is easily curable with NSAID’s. More research is required as little is known about the pathophysiology of the disease. Recognition of this clinical entity by the treating clinician is important in preventing the prescription of unnecessary and costlier investigations.

AFB: Acid fast bacilliMTP: Metatarso-phalangeal; NA: Not available; NSAID’S: Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs; OA: Osteoarthritis; SFE: Synovial fluid eosinophilia; S. No.: Serial number; TKA: Total knee arthroplasty*Rest NA means data not available regarding which joint is involvedNA: Not available; SFE: Synovial fluid eosinophilia; S. No.: Serial number; TLC: Total leucocyte count


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