JCDR - Register at Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X
Anatomy Section DOI : 10.7860/JCDR/2016/22121.8672
Year : 2016 | Month : Oct | Volume : 10 | Issue : 10 Full Version Page : AC06 - AC09

Determining Angle of Humeral Torsion Using Image Software Technique

Sachin Patil1, Madhu Sethi2, Neelam Vasudeva3

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dr Baba Sahib Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Delhi, India.
3 Head and Director Professor, Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.

NAME, ADDRESS, E-MAIL ID OF THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Dr. Sachin Patil, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, ANIIMS, Port Blair-744101, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.
E-mail: drsachin6880@gmail.com


Several researches have been done on the measurement of angles of humeral torsion in different parts of the world. Previously described methods were more complicated, not much accurate, cumbersome or required sophisticated instruments.


The present study was conducted with the aim to determine the angles of humeral torsion with a newer simple technique using digital images and image tool software.

Materials and Methods

A total of 250 dry normal adult human humeri were obtained from the bone bank of Department of Anatomy. The length and mid-shaft circumference of each bone was measured with the help of measuring tape. The angle of humeral torsion was measured directly from the digital images by the image analysis using Image Tool 3.0 software program. The data was analysed statistically with SPSS version 17 using unpaired t-test and Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient.


The mean angle of torsion was 64.57°±7.56°. On the right side it was 66.84°±9.69°, whereas, on the left side it was found to be 63.31±9.50°. The mean humeral length was 31.6 cm on right side and 30.33 cm on left side. Mid shaft circumference was 5.79 on right side and 5.63 cm on left side. No statistical differences were seen in angles between right and left humeri (p>0.001).


From our study, it was concluded that circumference of shaft is inversely proportional to angle of humeral torsion. The length and side of humerus has no relation with the humeral torsion. With advancement of digital technology, it is better to use new image softwares for anatomical studies.



Angle of humeral torsion is defined as the angle formed between the proximal and distal articular axis of the humerus. This angle is measured at the intersection of two lines: one that evenly bisects the articular surface of the humeral head proximally and the second being the transepicondylar line distally [1,2]. But in the clinical literature, this angle is measured in the opposite direction and is referred to as humeral retroversion [3].

Since the upper extremity has developed as a prehensile appendage in humans and also has a major role in maintaining an upright posture, the humeral torsion is essential biologically [4].

Variations in the degree of torsion of the humeral head have been widely documented within anthropological literature over the course of time. The patterns of variation by age, population, side and sex have been documented. With the progress of field of sports medicine, humeral torsion has received renewed attention [5].

The variations in humeral head retroversion among individuals undergoing humeral surgery are clinically important. They may throw the light on the ways in which this parameter might be manipulated to improve surgical outcome [6].

The present study has been undertaken to study the angle of torsion by simple software technique in 250 humeri and the variation on the two sides and to determine its correlation, if any, with the length, side and circumference of the bone.

Materials and Methods

The present descriptive study was carried out on 250 dry normal adult human humeri obtained from the bone bank of Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India. The bones showing morphological anomaly or broken ends or shaft were excluded from study. The humeri were cleaned, dried and studied in proper daylight.

All the humeri of unknown gender were segregated as right or left side according to standard anatomical criteria. The length and mid shaft circumference of each bone was measured with the help of measuring tape [Table/Fig-1]. The upper end axis was passing through the centre of head of humerus, extending from a point where transverse diameter is maximum to the centre point on greater tuberosity of humerus [Table/Fig-2]. The lower end axis was taken as line passing between the centres of two epicondyles of humerus [Table/Fig-2].

Measurement of length and mid-shaft circumference of humerus.

Reference axes for upper and lower end of humerus.

After marking the axes of upper and lower ends by fixing the plastic sticks of 0.5mm diameter with clay, the humerus was kept on flat surface and digital image was taken from the upper end for each bone as shown in [Table/Fig-3]. The camera attached with the system was kept on flat surface opposite the proximal articular of the humerus to capture the end-on image at a constant position for each sample. These images were transferred to the system and saved in JPEG format. The angle of humeral torsion was measured directly from the digital images by the image analysis using Image Tool 3.0 software program which is a multiple document interface application well supported on windows images. Each image was numbered accordingly and the measurements were taken by clicking the angle selection tool on the status bar, which facilitated marking the specified lines of intersection between the two sticks and the obtained value of the angle measured was imported and saved in the excel sheet format. [Table/Fig-4] shows schematic representation of the angle of humeral torsion adapted from Gray’s anatomy [7]. The data was analysed statistically with SPSS version 17 using unpaired t-test and Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient.

Image analysis using Image Tool 3.0 software program.

Schematic diagram showing angle of humeral torsion.


Intra- and inter-observer reliability - The principal investigator randomly selected 30 bones and erased the markings on them. All measurements were repeated on these 30 bones to assess the intra-observer variability. Another investigator also randomly selected 30 bones and repeated the whole procedure to assess inter-observer reliability.

The mean angle of torsion was 64.57° ± 7.56°. On the right side it was 66.84° ± 9.69°, whereas on the left side it was found to be 63.31 ± 9.50° [Table/Fig-5]. The angle on both the sides showed great variation with maximum angle on right side was 83.81° and that on left side was 79.32° [Table/Fig-6]. Mid shaft circumference was 5.79cm on right side and 5.63cm on left side [Table/Fig-5]. On the right side the largest and lowest angles of torsion (83.81° and 43.16°) were found with bones having mid shaft circumference of 4.9cm and 6.1cm, respectively. Similarly, on left side the largest and lowest angles of torsion (79.32° and 46.79°) were found in bones with mid shaft circumference of 5.1cm and 5.4cm respectively. On comparing the mid shaft circumference with the angle of humeral torsion, a weak negative correlation on both sides was seen [Table/Fig-7]. Thus, there is a weak inverse relationship between circumference and angle of humeral torsion. The mean humeral length was 31.6cm on right side and 30.33cm on left side [Table/Fig-5]. Comparing the length with the angle of humeral torsion, the coefficient correlation showed weak negative relationship on right side and weak positive relationship on left side [Table/Fig-7]. So, we concluded that there is no relationship between length with angle of humeral torsion. No statistical difference was seen in angles between right and left humeri (p>0.001).

Mean and standard deviation of angle of torsion, mid shaft circumference and length of humerus.

Angle of torsionMid shaft circumferenceLength of humerus
Combined (n=250)64.57° ± 7.56°.5.71 ± 0.58 cm30.96 ± 1.98 cm
Right side (n=125)66.84° ± 9.69°5.79 ± 0.51 cm31.6 ± 2.21 cm
Left side (n=125)63.31 ± 9.50°5.63 ± 0.57 cm30.33 ± 1.87 cm

Showing maximum and minimum value of angle of humeral torsion on both sides.

Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

Correlation between AHT and CircumferenceCorrelation between AHT and Length
Right side-0.19-0.0058
Left side-0.024+0.16


Different aspects of the humeral torsion have been studied by several workers in different parts of the world. Studies show that the humeral torsion may be primary or secondary torsion. Primary torsion present in embryo is determined by developmental patterns and is a characteristic of various species. Secondary torsion is an outcome of the pull of muscular forces functions etc. The external and internal rotators of the shoulder and arm region exert their force on the shaft of humerus, which are responsible for addition of secondary torsion [8].

Humeral torsion is generally lower in the populations participating in more strenuous activity and increased in less active subjects [9]. [Table/Fig-8] compares the values of humeral torsion of previous studies to those of the present study [3,4,6,812]. The mean value humeral torsion of the present study is similar to most studies and is independent of methodology of study.

Showing mean values of angle of humeral torsion in different studies [3,4,6,812].

Sr NoAuthor (Years)Reference no.PopulationMean angle of humeral torsion
1Broca et al., 1881[3]Caucasian74o
2Mathews et al., 1893[11]Salado-Indian69o
3Martin et al., 1928[6]Peruvian60.2o
4Chillida et al., 1943[9]Argentine Aborigine61o
5Ayer and Upshon 1943[9]South Indian62.1o
6Krahl and Evans 1945[10]Caucasian74.4o
7Krahl and Evans 1945[10]American72.6o
8Kate et al., 1969[12]Central Indian55o
9Mehta et al., 1971[4]Indian (Rajasthan)68.5o
10Kummer et al., 1998[3]American62.7o
11Shah et al., 2006[8]Indian (Gujarat)68.5o
12Motagi et al., 2011[9]Indian (Karnataka)59.6o
13Present study 2016-North Indian64.6o

No correlation was found between length and humeral torsion in our study, similar to what have been reported by Krahl et al., and Mehta et al., [4,10]. But study by Lambert has shown that length of humerus was inversely proportional to angle of humeral torsion [13]. Present study also showed that the circumference of the shaft of humerus is inversely proportional to the angle of torsion. This finding was similar when compared to study by Shah et al., but opposite to study by Krahl et al., and Mehta et al., [4,810] [Table/Fig-9].

Showing correlation circumference of humerus with angle of humeral torsion in different studies [4,810].

Sr NoAuthor (Years)Reference no.PopulationCorrelation of circumference of humerus with humeraltorsion
1Krahl and Evans 1945[10]CaucasianInverse proportion
2Krahl and Evans 1945[10]AmericanDirect proportion
3Mehta et al., 1971[4]Indian (Rajasthan)Direct proportion
4Shah et al., 2006[8]Indian (Gujarat)Inverse proportion
5Motagi et al., 2011[9]Indian (Karnataka)Inverse proportion
6Present study 2016-North IndianInverse proportion

The humeral torsion has been extensively studied in cases of Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of Shoulder (RADS). The increase in angle of humeral torsion is associated with increase in RADS. Even minimal force can lead to dislocation in such cases compared to normal subjects [14]. Increased frequency of RADS in such cases may be due to increased torsion predisposing to anterior dislocation by putting the head in a position of risk in the abducted and externally rotated position [15]. The rotational humeral osteotomy for RADS to decrease the angle of torsion has been found successful in many cases [16].

An increase of humeral retroversion in the throwing arm of handball players could be a protective mechanism for the anterior capsulo-labral complex by preventing anterior instability [17]. The influence of humeral torsion on posterior shoulder tightness was studied in baseball players and compared with a control group. The dominant limb of the baseball players had greater humeral torsion. The amount of humeral torsion and measures of posterior shoulder tightness showed a significant correlation [18]. An increase in thickness of the shaft of the humerus and altered humeral torsion was observed in professional baseball pitchers [19]. So the circumference of shaft is also important with measurement of angle of humeral torsion.

In living subjects Axial MRI images of the shoulder region and distal arm region can be used to get the desired value of angle of torsion. The image tool 3 software can be used to mark the separate axial angles of upper and lower end and the differences between the two will provide the angle of humeral torsion [20]. It has been found that in juvenile baseball players the repetitive load of throwing motion restricts the normal processes acting to decrease the humeral torsion angle during the growth period [21]. Hence, the humeral torsion angle can be influenced by various occupational and anthropometric factors.


This study can be further pursued using a large collection of gender and occupation specific study sample by means of various radiographic imaging tools for a better clinically relevant comparison. For patients receiving shoulder prosthesis, pre-operative accurate and reliable estimate of the angle of humeral torsion using sophisticated instruments and complex computer-assisted three dimensional reconstructions can be very useful.


From our study we concluded that circumference of shaft is inversely proportional to humeral torsion. The length and side of humerus has no relation with the humeral torsion. It is very difficult to know a constant angle of humeral torsion as range of distribution is very wide. The data generated from the study of the angles of humeral torsion may give surgeons a clearer understanding of how the range of motion of shoulder may be influenced or limited by the structure of the bone, muscle and ligaments.


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