“Redefining Smile-A Multidisciplinary Approach”
Dr Jyothi Atla,
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics,
SIBAR Institute of Dental sciences, Guntur-9, India.
Phone: 9492776417
E-mail: drjyothimds@gmail.com
This article presents a case report of a 20 year old female who was very much dissatisfied with her facial appearance and smile.On examination, it was found that there was a Angles class II division 1 malocclusion and a generalised spacing in the anterior teeth, with a retained, deciduous, left maxillary canine and a malposed 15. On radiographic examination, an impacted 18, 23 was noticed. As the part of the treatment plan, the retained deciduous canine and the impacted permanent canine were extracted and an orthodontic correction of the malocclusion was accomplished. The missing canine was planned to be replaced with a fixed partial denture.The short clinical crown height of the abutment teeth was increased by crown lengthening procedures and the pontic space was contoured to receive a ovate pontic by using diode lasers. The missing tooth was restored by using an all ceramic three unit zirconia bridge. This multi–disciplinary approach improved the smile of the patient and it ultimately enhanced her aesthetics and self confidence.