Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X      
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November 2011 Extra Issue - 1      Table of Contents  XML
2024 | Month : | Vol : 5 | Issue : 6
Select Speciality from the list below :
Show All Articles Anatomy.. (7) Biochemistry.. (4) Community medicine.. (1)
Dentistry.. (3) Ear,nose and throat.. (2) Education.. (2) Infectious diseases.. (1)
Internal medicine.. (2) Microbiology.. (9) Obstetrics and gyna.. (3) Orthopaedics.. (1)
Paediatrics (and ne.. (2) Pathology.. (4) Pharmacology.. (2) Physiology.. (2)
Psychiatry/mental h.. (2) Radiology.. (1) Surgery.. (2)

Speciality : PHARMACOLOGY (2)


A comparative assessment of the ADR profile in various anti-cancer regimens excluding gastro-intestinal and haematological toxicity at a tertiary care centre.
M.K. Vijayalaxmi, Princy Louis Palatty, Parvathi Bhat, M. Dinesh

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


An Observational Study to Evaluate The Factors which Influence The Dispensing Errors in The Hospital Pharmacy of A Tertiary Care Hospital
Tinsy Thomas, Leelavathi D Acharya, Venkatraghavan S, Sureshwar Pandey, Rama Mylapuram

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Dear Readers,

JCDR has brought out  Nov.2011 Extra Issue - 1 to reduce the backlog of articles that are  accepted, but not published.


We have taken this step in order to reaffirm our  commitment to  authors and readers.


Dr. Hemant Jain

Chief Editor

11 Nov 2011

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