- Bibliographic Information :
- Online : ISSN - 0973-709X ,
- Print : 2249-782X
- Free access, Peer Reviewed, International, Biomedical journal
- Includes all medical and dental specialities
- Unique and extensive author support
- Regular publication every Month - 12 issues per year. ( JCDR previously published every two months, it became monthly in Aug 2012 ).
- Quick and easy communication between Editors and Authors
- Multidisciplinary - wide scope journal
- Journals own Online submission and Manuscript Management system: JCDR Pre PublishingTM
- Pre-Publication Peer review
- Post-Publication Peer review utility: Reader Comments section
- Easy down load of bibliography
- Free full text availability of articles in HTML as well as PDF
- Email notifications on new issue release
- Statistics of articles download and visits
- Certified by the Health on Net (HON)Geneva University Hospital - CH-1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland
- Regularly crawled by all major search engines ( google, yahoo, msn)
The articles of JCDR are indexed/reviewed in the following databases/resources:
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, thomsonreuters),
- Index Copernicus ICV 2019: 129.24,
- Academic Search Complete Database,
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),
- Embase,
- EBSCOhost,
- Google Scholar,
- HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme
- Popline (reproductive health literature),
- www.omnimedicalsearch.com,
- PubMed Central® (from Oct 2012 to Sep 2017. The journal no longer participates in PMC)
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- Anaesthesia,
- Anatomy,
- Animal Research,
- Biochemistry,
- Biotechnology,
- Cardiology,
- Community,
- Dermatology,
- Dentistry,
- Education,
- Emergency Medicine,
- Endocrinology,
- Ethics,
- Ear Nose and Throat,
- Forensic,
- Gastroenterology,
- Genetics,
- Haematology,
- Health Management and Policy,
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
- Intensive Care,
- Internal Medicine,
- Microbiology,
- Health Management and Policy,
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
- Intensive Care,
- Internal Medicine,
- Microbiology,
- Nephrology / Renal,
- Neurology and Neuro-Surgery,
- Nutrition,
- Nursing/Midwifery
- Oncology,
- Orthopaedics,
- Ophthalmology,
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
- Paediatrics and Neonatology
- Pharmacology,
- Physiology,
- Pathology,
- Plastic Surgery,
- Psychiatry/Mental Health,
- Rehabilitation / Physiotherapy,
- Radiology,
- Statistics,
- Surgery
- Speech and Hearing (Audiology)
There is no dearth of journals published around the world. Many standard journals are published from the Indian subcontinent itself. However, JCDR is unique and aimed at being very different. The editor-in-chief felt challenged when he worked in a western setup after spending almost a decade in the Indian private sector. He realised that although physicians in developing countries witness a range of disease spectrums, and acquire a wealth of knowledge because of high clinical exposure, they do not publish their experiences. As a result, medical practitioners in developing countries are often rendered speechless while discussing in an international forum. Lack of motivation, lack of time and a busy schedule prevent these practitioners from publishing their findings. Many feel strongly motivated to express and narrate their opinion, but to write the same most lose the motivation. The lack of scientific writing skills among young researchers and postgraduate students leads to failure of their research thesis reaching any journal of repute.
We aim to use this journal to publish the findings of doctors working at the ground level and that of young researchers. Very soon, we will provide commentaries from senior experienced physicians. The first step will involve helping physicians and researchers to draft and write articles. We will make constructive changes to the original draft submitted. For authors whose second language is English, we will provide English editorial services as well.
Although this journal has been started in India, we believe such needs exist with many researchers in various countries and openly welcome original articles and case reports from around the world. We promise to provide similar unbiased service to every one who wishes to use our services.
Articles in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research are Open Access articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, is not changed in any way, and is not used for commercial purposes.
There exists a memorandum of understanding between the Premchand Shantidevi Research Foundation and JCDR Research and Publications Pvt Limited which allows the latter to publish Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research having complete editorial control , however the former remains the main entity and custodian of the Journal.
The journal is published by Dr Hemant Jain for JCDR Research and Publications (P) Limited.
JCDR Research and Publications (P) Limited has primary objective to stimulate and facilitate research publications.
Editorial Office of Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic ResearchNo: 3, 1/9 Roop Nagar , G.T. RoadPublication Office of Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Delhi-110007, India .
Helpline For Editorial Assistance : 087-50-50-0303
Email: editors@jcdr.net
No: 3, 1/9 Roop Nagar , G.T. Road
Delhi-110007, India .
Helpline For Editorial Assistance : 087-50-50-0303
Email: editors@jcdr.net