Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X

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2019 2018 2017 2016

Showing hyperventilation followed by apnea; feature of Cheyne stokes breathing.

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Sacrospinous colpopexy.

Parasternal long axis view showing large left atrial thrombus causing obstruction of mitral valve.

Apical four chamber view showing freely mobile left atrial thrombus.

Apical 5 chamber view showing freely mobile left atrial thrombus abutting mitral orifice.

Parasternal short axis view showing global left ventricular hypokinesia with EF of 42%.

Four chamber view of the fetal heart showing right atrium (RA), right ventricle (RV), left atrium (LA), left ventricle (LV) and the diverticulum (DV) with a wide mouth connecting it with the right ventricle.

Colour Doppler ultrasound showing blood flow in and out of the abnormal heart chamber.

Echocardiography of the patient showing homogeneous mass in the apical septum.

Angiogram of left coronary showing Critical stenosis of mid left anterior descending artery with thrombus.

Check angiogram of coronary during Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Check angiogram after inserting angioplasty wire into Left anterior descending artery and intra-coronary Tirofiban injection.

Stent being positioned at site of critical stenosis before deployment.

Stent positioned in the mid LAD, with restoration of TIMI 3 flow.

The pattern of involuntary movements was mainly continuous, arrhythmic, purposeless, and dancing like movements that were confined to right upper limb(mainly) and lower limb. The involuntary movements attenuated when she was relaxed, and it disappeared during her sleep.

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Diagnosis of MGJWP was made in view of the synkinetic nature of the abnormality, despite the absence of ptosis.

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Video shows apical 4 chamber echocardiography with color interrogation. Heavily calcified mitral valve apparatus is visible with severe mitral regurgitation. Regurgitant jet hitting the roof of left atrium with almost minimal mobility of entire mitral valve leaflets & supporting structures.

Video shows apical 2 chamber echocardiography view with heavy calcification of mitral annulus along with leaflets. Calcification is almost producing reverberation artefacts just as that of prosthetic valve. Calcification is also present in subaortic region.

Video shows suprasternal view in echocardiography with color Doppler. Small patent ductus arteriosus is visible with continuous flow from aorta to pulmonary artery through PDA.

Pre-procedural – complete right renal artery occlusion.

Procedural - stent deployment.

Post-procedural – patent right renal artery.

Tran’s thoracic echocardiography apical four chamber view showing prolapsing left atrial mass prolapsing into left ventricle.

Tran’s oesophangealechocardiograpghy showing left atrial mass.

Coronary angiography left anterior oblique view showing to and fro movement of left atrial mass simulating hammer in heart.

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This ultrasonographic video shows the thoracic wall involvement.

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2015 2014 2013 2012

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Trousseau’s sign (carpopedal spasm induced by pressure applied to the arm by an inflated sphygmomanometer cuff.

Two was present. Her total calcium level was 5.5 mg/dL (normal range 9.2-11). Serum albumin level was normal.

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2011 2010 2009 2008