Open access publishing provides a model for scholarly journal publishing with immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of all published articles. Many authors realize the benefits that open access publishing can provide in terms of increasing the impact of their work. Internationally, in open access model, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Publication or Article Processing Charges.
JCDR was initially supported by funds given by PremChand Shanti Devi foundation on returnable basis. Later for 4 years or so the journal use to meet its expenses from the various paid services taken up by the authors and from the print subscription. The journal runs on a Not-for-Profit Model and funds collected are reinvested to improve journal services. Many people give journal their valuable time and services. Some of them work honorary or on subsidized salary.
However, due to increase in number of articles submitted and rising Publication costs, we are forced to levy Publication charges.
The Processing and Publication charges are billed at the time of acceptance. We do not charge any submission fees.
The Processing and Publication charges applicable on all articles submitted on or after 1st April, 2021 are as under :
A. Post Acceptance: Rs 7000/- for Original article / Review / Case Series. (Last Revised in April 2021)
B. Post Acceptance: Rs 5250/- for Case Report / Images in medicine / Letter to Editor. (Last Revised in April 2021)
Plus Goods and Services Tax 18 %
A. Post Acceptance: USD 320/- for Original article / Review / Case Series. (Last Revised in April 2021)
B. Post Acceptance: USD 240/- for Case Report / Images in Medicine / Letter to Editor. (Last Revised in April 2021)
In case Letter to Editor is in response to any article published earlier in JCDR, then no charges will be payable
There will be no publication charge levied on Authors which have taken some other paid service.
We earnestly request the authors to request their respective libraries to subscribe for print version of JCDR.
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