Oxidative stress and antioxidant
status in primary dysmenorrhea
S.Venkata Rao Professor & HOD in Department of Biochemistry , Katuri Medical College , Katuri Nagar, Chinakondrupadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-mail : s_vrao11@yahoo.co.in Cell: +919441309881
Objectives : Primary dysmenorrhea is the menstrual pain associated with ovulatory cycles in the absence of pathological findings common in adolescents. Oxygen free radicals and the formation of primary dysmenorrhea is closely related to atrial contraction of uterine smooth muscle. The present study was to investigate the oxidative stress and antioxidants status in primary dysmenorrhea.
Methods : A 45 cases of primary dysmenorrhea and 25 age and sex matched controls were included in the study. The lipid peroxidation status was measured by estimating malondialdehyde. The antioxidant status was measured by estimating reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase, vitamin E and vitamin C respectively.
Reslults : The malondialdehyde level was increased in cases than controls (p = 0.001). The antioxidant parameters studied like reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase, vitamin E and vitamin C, all were decreased individually in cases than controls respectively (p = 0.001).
Conclusions : Our study showed a significant increased lipid per oxidation and decreased anti oxidants levels in primary dysmenorrhea cases than controls. This study reveals increased oxidative stress and decreased antioxidants as one of the important contributing factor in the pathogenesis of primary dysmenorrhea.