Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Of Intra-Abdominal Lesions
Assistant professor, Department of pathology
S.N.Medical college ,Navanagar, Bagalkot -587102
Mobile: 919886689521
Background: Intra-abdominal masses always remain as an enigma in surgical practice. A documentary evidence of the nature of the pathology before the institution of therapy and for the prognosis is mandatory. FNAC is a substitute for surgical procedures like diagnostic laparotomy.
To assess the utility of FNAC in the diagnosis of intraabdominal lesions.
To study the cytomorphological features, age and sex distribution of intra-abdominal lesions and to categorize them organwise and as inflammatory, benign and malignant lesions. To classify the malignant lesions according to their cell type. To evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy .
Materials and methods:
The study included 245 intra-abdominal lesions which were detected clinically or radiologically. The lesions were divided clinically into palpable and non-palpablelumps. USG or CT were used for all the non-palpable lesions and for a few palpable lesions and direct in selected palpable lesions . Giemsa’s and Papanicolaou’s stains were used.
The mean age was 45.16 years, with M:F of 1:1.3. The diagnostic yield was 92.1% in USG guided, 100% in CT guided and 95% in direct aspiration. There were 148 (60.3%) malignant, 55 (22.4%) benign, 25 (10.2%) inflammatory and one (0.6%) suspicious lesions and 16 (6.5%) unsatisfactory smears. The liver and the ovary were the most common sites . Adenocarcinomas and hepatocellular carcinomas were the most common malignant lesions. This study showed 94.1% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% positive predictive value, 92.3% negative predictive value and 96.5% diagnostic accuracy .
Intra-abdominal FNAC is a simple, economical and a safe procedure with high sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy and it can be utilized as a pre-operative procedure for the management of intra-abdominal lesions.