Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible:
An Unusual Case Report
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.
Govt.Dental College & Hospital, Afzalgunj,
Hyderabad, A.P., India - 500012.
Phone: 09885920145
E-mail: Kiran.dentist@gmail.com
Cemento-ossifying fibroma is a fibro-osseous lesion which belongs to the same category as fibrous dysplasia and cementossifying dysplasia. In a recent WHO classification (2005), the term ‘cemento-ossifying fibroma’ was replaced with ‘ossifying fibroma’. These are slow growing, painless lesions which are seen more commonly in women between the third and fourth decades of life. We are reporting an unusual case report of a central ossifying fibroma of the left mandible in an 18 year old male patient who presented with a painful swelling on the left side of the face. The lesion was treated with surgical resection and reconstruction.