The Effect of Perceived Stress and Family Functioning on People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. Bhagyashree Bhandary,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities & Social Science,
K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University and Nagar, P.O. Deralakatte- 575018, India.
Background: Various studies have suggested that support from a patient’s family can facilitate his/her recovery from a physical illness and improve the ability of the patient to deal with consequences of Type 2 Diabetes. Stress is considered to play a major role in influencing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Aim: To determine the roles of Perceived Stress and Family functioning on behaviours of individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Material and Methods: The present study included 250 Diabetics as per the WHO criteria and 250 non-Diabetics. Questionnaires were given to them to obtain data.
Results: Stress was found to be high among Diabetics (22.17%) as compared to that in Non-Diabetics (16.92%). Family assessment showed a significant difference among its subscales when it was compared between Diabetics and Non-Diabetics.
Conclusion: Perceived stress influences Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Role played by the Family is significant in managing Diabetes.