Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma:
A Clinical Variant, Report of Two Cases
Dr. Deepadarshan K.,
Junior Resident, Department of Dermatology, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Kurunjibhag, SULLIA, DK-574327, Karnataka, India.
Phone: 9844861596
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumour of skin, comprising 80% of non-melanoma cancers. Intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation is an important risk factor. Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is a clinical and histological variant of basal cell carcinoma that exhibits increased pigmentation. It is a very rare variant, although its frequency can reach upto 6% of total basal cell carcinomas in Hispanics. Herein, we are reporting 2 cases of pigmented basal cell carcinoma.