Association of Occupational & Prediabetes Statuses with Obesity
in middle aged Women
Dr A Pranita,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College,
Dhanakawadi, Pune Satara Road, Maharashtra – 411043, India.
Phone: 9850062612, E-mail: Pranita76@gmail.com
Background: The association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity is very close. The prediabetes status i.e Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) reflects an intermediate condition between normality and diabetes. The socioeconomic position (SEP) is one of the non traditional determinants of type 2 DM. The occupational status, which is a good indicator of the socioeconomic status, also indicates the level and the type of stress that they are exposed to, as well as the individual lifestyle choices. The present work was planned to study the relationship of the prediabetic status with obesity and the occupational status by estimating the Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) levels.
Objectives: To study the association of the occupational status with the fasting blood glucose levels and obesity in middle aged women.
Method: The Fasting Blood Glucose levels and the BMI were estimated in 300 asymptomatic middle aged women who had no family history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (D.M.), who had been divided into the Control (I), the Pre – obese (IIa) and the Obese groups (IIb). The occupational status was broadly divided into the categories of housewives and service women. The results was analysed statistically by using the correlation coefficient and the ‘z’ test.
Result: The mean FBG levels in the pre – obese and the obese groups were higher than those in the control group. We found significant differences in the FBG levels in the normal weight, the pre – obese as well as in the obese groups among the service women, but no significant correlation was found in the pre – obese and the obese groups. Among the housewives, we found significant differences in the FBG levels of the normal weight and the obese groups, but not in the pre – obese group. Also, no significant correlation was found in the pre – obese and obese groups among the service women.
Conclusion: The BMI may be good risk predictor for Type 2 D.M. irrespective of the occupational status, especially in middle aged women.