A Ruputured Left Cornual Pregnancy:
A Case Report
Dr Surekha S M,
Junior Resident, 3rd year,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal,
Manipur-795004, India.
Phone: 9774867510
E-mail: drsiri.sm@gmail.com
A cornual gestation is one of the most hazardous types of ectopic gestations, which accounts for 2 – 4% of all the ectopic pregnancies and it has a mortality rate which is 6 – 7 times higher than that of the ectopics in general. The diagnosis and the treatment of such a pregnancy is challenging and it constitutes an urgent medical situation. Because of the myometrial stretch ability, they tend to present relatively late, at 7 – 12 weeks of gestation. A significant maternal haemorrhage which can lead to hypovolaemia and shock, can rapidly result from a cornual rupture. We are reporting a case of 28 year old woman who presented to the emergency obstetrical room in a state of hypovolaemic shock. The diagnosis of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy was confirmed in view of the history of 10 weeks of amenorrhoea, with a positive urine pregnancy test. She was shifted for emergency exploratory laparotomy. Intraoperatively, we encountered a left lateral wall ruptured uterus with a 10 week old foetus in the peritoneal cavity, which suggested a left cornual ectopic pregnancy which had ended up as a catastrophic event. A cornual resection and repair was done successfully.