Chondroid Choriostoma of Palatine Tonsil – A Rare Entity
Dr. Jyotsna Naresh Bharti,
Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
Phone: +919899047062, E-mail:
A choristoma or heterotopias is an aggregate of microscopically normal cells or tissues which occurs in aberrant locations. A choristoma is a tumour like mass, whereas heterotopias refers to a displaced tissue which is necessarily not a swelling or a neoplasm. We are reporting a case of a 24 year old female who presented with recurrent tonsillitis and halitosis. On examination, the tonsils were found to be enlarged. Because of the persistent symptoms, a tonsillectomy was performed. The histopathological examination showed features of chronic tonsillitis, along with presence of mature islands of hyaline cartilage which were surrounded by lymphoid follicles and focal areas of calcification and osseous metaplasia.