Significance of Radiological Variables Studied on Orthopantamogram to Predict Post-Operative Inferior Alveolar Nerve Paresthesia after Third Molar Extraction
Dr. Sachin Pathak,
712, Janakpuri Izzatnagar Bareilly-243122, U.P., India.
Phone: 09458702337, E-mail:
Context: Removal of impacted third molar is a procedure that is often associated with post-operative complications. The rate of complications is somewhat high because of its proximity to the vital structures. Inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia is one of the common complications of impacted their molar surgery. This is due to intimate relationship between roots of mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal. To access the proximity of inferior alveolar canal to third molar many diagnostic methods are suggested but in conventional radiography orthopantamogram is considered as the best. There are many findings onorthopantamogram that are suggestive of close proximity ofnerve to the canal. In this study authors reviewed seven radiographic findings related to proximity of roots to the inferior alveolar nerve as seen on orthopantamogram and try to find a relationship between these radiographic variables and presence of post-operative paresthesia.
Study Design: The study containd 100 impacted third molars need to be removed. Presence of radiographic findings onorthopantamogram were noted and analyzed, to find a relationship with occurrence of post-operative inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia.
Materials and Methods: This study comprises of 100 impacted third molar teeth indicated for extraction. Cases were randomly selected from the patients, needs to undergo extraction of impacted mandibular third molar. After extraction cases were evaluated for occurrence of inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia. Stastical Analyisis: Data was transferred to SPss 21 software for frequency calculation, and two tailed p-values were obtained betweens these variables and post-operative paresthesia, by applying Fischer’s exact test (GRAPH PAD SOFTWARE)
Results: Out of seven, four radiological findings that are grooving of roots, hooked roots, bifid roots and obliteration of white line are significantly related to post-operative paresthesia while bending of canal, narrow canal and darkening of tooth roots over the canal are not significantly associated with post-operative morbidity of facial nerve.