Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials
(BAEP)- A Pilot Study Conducted on Young
Healthy Adults from Central India
Dr. Bhupendra M Gathe,
Assistant Professor, Department off Physiology, C M Medical College, Kachandur, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India.
Phone: 07770870102, Email:
Objective: To Evaluate I, II, III, IV, V wave latencies and I-III, III-V, I-V inter-peak latencies and V/I wave amplitude ratio in Normal subjects in Central India.
Methods: We recorded BAEP from 50 healthy normal subjects from the community of same sex and geographical setup. The absolute, interpeak and wave V/I amplitude ratio were measurement and recording was done using RMS EMG EP MARK II machine manufactured by RMS recorders and Medicare system, Chandigarh.
Result: Absolute, interpeak and wave V/I amplitude ratio were measured in normal subjects and compared with other previous studies.
Conclusion: This study was conducted as exploratory pilot study only on male healthy controls. Since, the study conducted in different regions, there are some differences in the latencies and interpeak latencies and amplitude ratio but they are within range, so reference range of this study can be used for future studies in this Wardha region of Central India.