Incidental Detection Microfilaria in Subcutaneous Breast Nodule of Lactating Female Fnac: A Rare Case Report
Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh,
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, King George’s Medical University
Lucknow-226003, UP, India.
Phone: 919415082798, E-mail:
Filariasis is a major public health problem which is faced in tropical countries like India. Its diagnosis is made by using peripheral blood smears. However, microfilaria has been detected incidentally during FNACs of various lesions, which were done in clinically unsuspected cases. We are reporting here, an uncommon case of filariasis, which caused a nodular, subcutaneous swelling in left breast of a 30 year old lactating female. A nodular subcutaneous swelling can be caused in breast of a lactating female by lactational associated mastitis, but filaria causing a nodular swelling in a lactating breast is a rare presentation. Aspiration of the swelling demonstrated enormous pathogen presence caused by Woucheria bancrofti and the patient responded well to six weeks of daily anti-filarial treatment with diethylcarbamazine citrate.