Recurrent Angiofibroma of Ethmoid Region – A Rare Variant
Dr. M. Sudhakara Rao,
MS ENT Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery,
Dr Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Chinnaoutpalli, Gannavaram Mandal,
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh-521286. Phone: 949065800 E-mail:
The common variant of angiofibromas of head and neck region is juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). However extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas (ENAF) occurs very rarely at any age in either sex, and they differ from classical JNA in incidence, clinical and radiological presentation. They form the differential diagnosis for any mass nose or nasal polyp. We present a case of recurrent angiofibroma of ethmoid region presented with recurrent lesion with bilateral proptosis and bossing of forehead. MRI showed involvement of bilateral nasal cavities, ethmoids and frontal sinuses with erosions of ethmoid roof and posterior table of frontal sinuses. Entire mass was excised by craniofacial resection which was histopathologically confirmed as Angiofibroma.