Churg Strauss Syndrome – A Case Report
Dr. Ramakrishna Janapati,
Senior Resident, Department of Cardiology, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana-500082, India.
A male aged 45-years presented with complaints of fever for 7days, cough, breathlessness for 4 days, tingling of hands, feet and weakness of both hands and feet for 4 days duration. He was a known asthmatic with history of recurrent sinusitis in the past. On examination he had bilateral polyphonic wheeze and evidence of distal asymmetric sensory neuropathy with motor weakness. And on investigation he had eosinophilia, pulmonary function test showed reversible airway obstruction,nerve conduction studies revealed mononeuritis multiplex, muscle biopsy suggestive of eosinophilia infiltration, nerve biopsy suggestive of vaculitis, 2DECHO showed RWMA in inter ventricular septum, Coronary angiogram showed narrowing in distal LAD territory. In view of sinusitis, asthma, eosinophilia, tissue infiltration by eosinophils we made a diagnosis of Churg Strauss syndrome.