Dermatology Specific Quality of Life in Vitiligo Patients and Its Relation with Various Variables: A Hospital Based Crosssectional Study
Dr. Nitin Mishra,
353 Sahukara, Near Kila Police Station, Bareilly, (UP)-243006, India.
Phone: +91-9012303662, E-mail:
Introduction: Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic skin disease characterized by progressive loss of the inherited skin color. Vitiligo has a special significance to patients in our country because depigmentation is obvious on dark skin and due to the enormous stigma that the disease carries.
Materials and Methods: One hundred vitiligo patients aged more than 18 years were included in our hospital based study depending on inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the patients were asked to fill a validated Hindi version of DLQI questionnaire. DLQI scores and its interpretation were recorded separately. Correlation of DLQI scores with different variables like age, body surface area, duration of disease and socioeconomic status were studied using Pearson’s correlations. Mean DLQI scores were also compared between different groups.
Results: Male and female patient were statistically similar in all variables, like their age, BSA of the involvement and DLQI score. DLQI interpretation showed that out of 100 patients of vitiligo, 16 felt no effect of vitiligo on their quality of life while 84 patients reported small to very large effect on their quality of life. Out of this 84, 37 felt small effects, 21 felt moderate effect and rest 26 felt very large effect on their quality of life. There was no significant difference among the different groups mentioned except very large effect on quality of life seen significantly more in unmarried patients compared to married one.
Conclusion: Vitiligo although a cosmetic disease without any symptoms, it carry a significant social stigma especially in Indian society. Data interpretation in this study indicates that vitiligo affects QOL in majority of vitiligo patients and such patients require more aggressive and empathic attitude from a dermatologist to cure/improve this so called chronic cosmetic disease.