Tuberculosis of Glans Penis- A Rare Presentation
Dr. Sankaramahalingam
Professor, Department of Surgery, Dr. M.G.R Medical University,
Madurai Medical College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu India.
Email: deptofsurgery2013@gmail.com, c-gangalakshmi@yahoo.com
Tuberculosis (TB) of penis is a very rare entity, even in developing countries. It may present as primary or secondary to Pulmonary TB (PTB). Penile TB mimics carcinoma penis, granulomatous penile ulcer, genital herpes simplex, granuloma inguinale and HIV infection. We, hereby, present the case of a 57-year-old male patient who presented to us with ulcerative growth over glans penis and was clinically diagnosed as carcinoma penis, however biopsy of the lesion showed evidence of tuberculosis which was supported by chest X-ray.