Colocolic Intussusception in a Child with Pathologic Lead Point Along with Intestinal Malrotation-A Rare Case Report and Brief Review
Dr. Prasanta Kumar Tripathy,
Arunodaya Nagar, Link Road, Cuttack -753012, Odisha, India.
Intestinal obstruction in children is frequently caused by intussusception and intestinal malrotation and when these two conditions co-exist, it is called Waugh’s syndrome. Intussusception cases in children are mostly ileocolic, whereas, the colocolic variety is a rare entity and very few cases have been reported in literature. In all the reported cases of Waugh’s syndrome, the intussusceptions were ileocolic type except one case, where colocolic type was mentioned with lymphangoima as Pathological Lead Point (PLP). We report a seven-year-old child of colocolic intussusception with juvenile polyp being the PLP along with intestional malrotation. It is an extremely rare association which has not been reported previously.