The Effect of Fetal Gender on the Delivery Outcome in Primigravidae Women with Induced Labours for all Indications
Dr. Angeliki Antonakou,
Assistant Professor, Department of Midwifery, Midwifery School, ‘Alexander’ Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki,
Greece, Thessaloniki-574 00, Greece.
Introduction: There is increasing evidence of a gender-related phenomenon where the presence of a male fetus may have an adverse effect on the outcome of pregnancy.
Aim:,, The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fetal gender on the delivery outcome in primigravidae women with induced labours.
Materials and Methods: This was an observational cohort study of primigravidae women who had Induction Of Labour (IOL) for all indications during a two-year period. Women with breech vaginal deliveries, stillbirths, multiple pregnancies and elective Caesarean Section (CS) were excluded.
Results: Of the 936 eligible patients identified, 493(52.6%) gave birth to male neonates and 443(47.4%) to female neonates. Age, ethnicity, Body Mass Index (BMI) and smoking were similar between women that delivered male and female neonates. More than half of all women were induced for post-date pregnancies. In women who gave birth to male neonates, the CS delivery rate was higher than in those with female neonates (23.7% vs 17.8%; p=0.029). Though emergency admission rates to the neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and arterial/venous pH from umbilical cord sampling immediately after birth were similar between male and female neonates, nevertheless male neonates had lower Apgar scores of <7 at 1 minute after birth (p=0.02).
Conclusions: This study has shown that, male gender fetuses have a higher CS delivery rate in primigravidae women undergoing IOL and may be more vulnerable to fetal compromise when in labour.