Acute Presentation of Juvenile Dermatomyositis with Subclinical Cardiac Involvement: A Rare Case
Dr. Shrayash Khare,
1/270, Virat Khand, Gomti Nagar-226010, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-mail: dr.shrayash@gmail.com
Cardiac involvements are common in patients with Dermatomyositis, most of which are not severe enough to present definite or readily observable symptoms. However, Cardiovascular (CVS) manifestations constitute a major cause of death in these patients. The most frequently reported clinically evident of CVS manifestations in-patient of dermatomyositis are Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), conduction aberrations, that may predispose to complete heart block and coronary artery disease. The principal pathophysiological mechanisms that may produce these cardiac manifestations involve coronary artery disease as well as small vessels vasculitis of the myocardium. Our case of a seven-year-old boy represent a unique manifestation of prolong PR interval with no overt clinical manifestation and who responded well to immunosuppressive treatment. His clinical, laboratory and investigative features of Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) is presented here. It is hoped that this case will heighten the index of suspicion of cardiac condition in patients with JDM among medical practitioners.