Non-surgical Management of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Bilateral Posterior Crossbite: A Case Report
Dr. Lalima Kumari,
C/O Sri Bhuwaneshwar Rai, Friend’s Colony, Katira, Ara-802301, Bihar, India.
A 16-year-old female patient with skeletal Class III malocclusion and bilateral posterior cross bite complaining of difficulty in chewing was treated orthodontically without surgery (camouflage treatment). The treatment comprised of fixed orthodontic treatment with MBT prescription (0.022?×0.028? slot) using quad helix appliance for bilateral expansion of maxillary arch and Class III elastics for occlusal correction. Post-treatment records showed normal overbite and overjet with acceptable occlusion. So with this treatment strategy of expanding the maxillary arch using a quad helix appliance and use of Class III elastics, we achieved a good result with optimal occlusion.