Pyostomatitis Vegetans: A Clue for Diagnosis of Silent Crohn's Disease
Dr. Fazele Atarbashi-Moghadam,
Department of Periodontics, 1st Floor, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Daneshjoo Blvd., Evin, Chamran HWY, Tehran-1983963113, Iran.
Pyostomatitis vegetans is a very rare oral manifestation with unknown pathogenesis. Skin and other mucous membrane involvement may be seen. This lesion has strong association with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and may be the first sign of it. The management of Pyostomatitis vegetans is usually based on the management of underlying bowel disease. We present a case of Pyostomatitis vegetans involving gingiva and oral mucosa with no skin lesion which led to the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease to emphasize important role of dentists in diagnosis of rare oral lesions and management of patients' systemic disease.