An Innovative Technique for Columellar Reconstruction using ‘Flip-Over’ Buccal Mucosa Flap
Dr. Raghav Shrotriya,
Senior Registrar, Department of Plastic Surgery, Gynecology Wing,
2nd Floor, KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai- 400012, Maharashtra, India.
Loss of columella is a significant deformity and its reconstruction proves to be quite difficult. An 18-year-old lady had loss of columella due to burn while steam inhalation at a young age and required reconstruction for the same. Labial mucosa has been used as a source of tissue for columellar reconstruction since long. We describe a modification of the buccal mucosal flap to manage a difficult case of columellar deficiency. The buccal mucosa flap was used to cover the columellar defect in the usual manner in the first stage and in second stage, along with division of the base, the residual length of the mucosal flap was used to add to the thickness of columella by doubling it on itself.