Prevalence of Psychiatric Morbidity in Females amongst Infertile Couples- A Hospital Based Report
Dr. Arvind Sharma,
Professor and Head,Department of Psychiatry, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital,
Faridkot-151203, India.
Introduction: Infertility leads to significant stress among couple and the reaction to infertility differs among males and females.
Aim: To know the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in infertile couples and compare the prevalence of various psychiatric disorders among husband and wife.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 50 couples diagnosed with infertility from outdoor clinics. Both male and female partner of couple were interviewed for detailed history and clinical examination was done. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was applied to detect any psychological strain in couples and in those with illness, final diagnosis were made on the basis of DSM -IV (TR). The data thus generated was subjected to appropriate Statistical Analysis.
Results: Out of the 50 couples, 54% of females had psychiatric morbidity. The most common diagnosis amongst the female participants was MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) (18%), whereas the second most common diagnosis was GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) (16%). Psychiatric morbidity was found in only 26% of males suffering with Adjustment Disorder being most common diagnosis (8%) and Dysthymia and MDD as the second most common diagnosis (6% each). Majority of patients having psychiatric morbidity were from age group 20-29 years. The difference between females and male counterparts was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Psychiatric morbidity was higher among female partners than male partners. The difference was statistically significant and the situation needs further workup.