An Unusual Presentation of Metanephric Adenofibroma:
A Rare Case Report
Dr. Jyoti Garg,
40-C, MIG, DDA Flats, Rani Jhansi Complex, Motia Khan, New Delhi-110055, India.
Metanephric adenofibroma is a rare renal neoplasm with only a few case reports in literature. In majority of cases, it is asymptomatic. However, it may present with haematuria, polycythemia or hypertension. Radiologically, it is indistinguishable from other solid renal tumours. Definitive diagnosis can only be made on the basis of histopathology. It is a benign neoplasm and requires only surgical excision with no need for chemotherapy. Involvement of urinary bladder and presentation as bladder mass has never been reported. In this case report, we present a case of metanephric adenofibroma in a two-year-old male child manifesting with haematuria and urinary bladder mass.