Study of Faculty Viewpoints on Challenges and Factors Influencing Curriculum Development/Revision
Dr. Deepa Bhat,
Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Education, JSS Medical College, Banniman tap,
S S Nagara, Mysore-570015, Karnataka, India.
Introduction: Curriculum Development (CD) is an on-going process and not just a product. It must be responsive to changing values and expectations in education if it has to remain useful.
Aim: To investigate the perspectives of educators on challenges and factors affecting the curriculum development/revision in health profession education courses.
Materials and Methods: Mixed method approach was used for data collection. The faculties involved in curriculum development/revision were administered structured validated questionnaire (n=8), in depth interviews (n=3) and focus group discussion (n=3). Rigor was ensured through triangulation of data. The questionnaire data was analysed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Faculties opined that 87.5% of courses are running successfully, 75% developed curriculum as team, 50% expressed that all stake holders were involved and 75% CD process did not turn out to be an organised approach. Needs assessment was not done in every course and some faculties did not have prior experience in CD. Time allotted was just sufficient and planning was fair. The allocation of finance and resources were just adequate. Team work and cooperation followed by qualified expert panel were the leading facilitating factors whereas lack of awareness on steps involved in CD and infrastructure were the significant hindering contributors. About 87.5% expressed their concern that addition of new courses affected their basic course they had to teach. Global requirements were not taken into account in several courses but reasonable number of courses was adequately monitored.
Conclusion: Formal training of faculty in CD must be made mandatory in any health profession education. Understanding the facilitating and hindering factors with systematic monitoring of each step would impact the outcome of a program.