Domestic Violence against Women – An Unsolved Issue: A Community Based Study in an Urban Slum of Kolkata, India
Dr. Tanjib Hassan Mullick,
Tutor, Department of Community Medicine, ESI-PGIMSR, ESIC Medical College,
Village- Ekshara, P.O-Chamrail, District- Howrah, Kolkata-711114, India.
E-mail: thmullick@gmail.com
Introduction: Domestic Violence against women is still an unsolved issue in India, though, it is an important public health problem contributing to physical, mental illness and low quality of life.
Aim: The study was undertaken with the aim to estimate the prevalence of domestic violence against ever married women in an urban slum and the associated factors contributing to it.
Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study had been conducted among 430 ever married women of reproductive age group, selected using a systematic random sampling technique in an urban slum of Kolkata. Interviews were conducted using pre-designed, pre-tested semi structured schedule regarding their socio-demographic characteristics, violence experienced by the subjects in their lifetime, type of violence (physical, emotional and sexual violence) and the person responsible for the same. Data were entered and analysed using SPSS 20.0 version.
Results: The overall prevalence of any form of violence in the study population as a whole was (59.3%). The prevalence of physical, emotional, sexual violence was 61.6%, 84.3%and 58.8%, respectively. The occurrence of the event was reported by only 33.1% of the victims. Multivariate analysis revealed violence was higher among women belonging to families with low per capita income (< Rs 3138 per month), with higher spousal age difference (>6 years), low educational background of husband, not able to bear a male child, unemployment amongst both the spouses, leave the household on any pretext without prior permission from husband and where the wives did not attend household activities properly.
Conclusion: The prevalence of domestic violence in urban slum of Kolkata was high which is an alarming public health problem which needs to be addressed at the earliest through awareness programmes and empowerment of women.