Modelling the Health Economic Impact
of Influenza Vaccination Strategies for
High-Risk Children in Vietnam
Arthorn Riewpaiboon,
Division of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Mahidol University, Bangkok-10400, Thailand.
Introduction: In Vietnam, since 2011 a National Influenza Surveillance System in Vietnam has implemented Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) surveillance to assemble information and inform administrational and methods of prevention. Children and elderly people belonging high risk-group are recommended for vaccination whereas, need for cost effectiveness study to aid strategic decisions on Vietnamese Expanded Program on Immunization.
Aim: To explore the cost-effectiveness analysis of influenza vaccination strategies for high-risk children in Vietnam.
Materials and Methods: The outcomes of influenza vaccination were calculated by cost-effectiveness analysis in children which were monitored until the age of 15-year-old. Cost-effectiveness analysis were performed based on Quality-Adjusted Life-Years (QALYs) gained due to vaccination comparing to no vaccination. Country-specific data of Vietnam was approached as much as possible for input parameters. Cost-effectiveness analysis was performed in terms of Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER), and cost benefit analysis is presented as net present value.
Results: Cost of get vaccination program was recorded at 30.68 USD (the United State Dollar), whereas cost of no get vaccination program was 17.99 USD. The ICER of get influenza vaccine versus no influenza vaccine in children under 15-year-old were USD 25.31 USD/QALY (quality-adjusted life-years) and 31.03 USD/QALY for social and healthcare provider perspective.
Conclusion: To better inform the policy decisions of influenza prevention and control to give influenza vaccination into Vietnamese Expanded Program on Immunisation (VEPI), economic and math models are necessary.