Factors Related to Job Satisfaction amongst Endodontists in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-sectional Study
Dr. Nawaf Labban,
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dental Science, College of Dentistry,
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: labbanny@yahoo.com; nalabban@ksu.edu.sa
Introduction: High incidence of job dissatisfaction among practising endodontist raises serious concerns on the health care system.
Aim: To evaluate overall job satisfaction among endodontist highlighting the significance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors and their satisfaction level with patients, facilities and workplace when working in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was sent to endodontist using survey monkey instrument consisting of total 38 questions in seven domains. Socio-demographic characteristics, academic, professional qualifications, motivation behind choice of endodontist as a speciality, satisfaction as an endodontist, satisfaction with the workplace, environment facilities and staff and their satisfaction with their relationship with patients were assessed. The responses were measured using a five-point Likert’s Scale coded as: 1 strongly disagree; 2 disagree; 3 fair; 4 agree; 5 strongly agree. A descriptive analysis of all responses was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Standard Deviation (SD), percentages and means were calculated.
Results: Demographic factors exhibited that 93.6% (103) were Saudi national. Gender analysis indicated 25 respondents (22.7%) were male, whereas 85 (77.3%) were females. Regarding qualification, 58 (52.7%) of the dentists had their qualification from Saudi commission of health sciences, by completing the Endodontic Saudi board specialist training and examination. Majority of the respondents, 78 (69.6%), reported “challenging profession” as the main reason for choosing endodontics. Regarding satisfaction at job 77.2% of the respondents stated that their responsibilities were well defined. An 80.9% of the endodontist was of the view that they have good relations with their patients. The results of 110 respondents revealed highly significant differences among responses to different questions (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Job satisfaction of endodontist working in KSA was satisfying. More studies should be performed to validate the results of present study.