Uniformity in Content and Delivery of Antimicrobial Component in Medical Curriculum: Need of the Hour
Dr. Ameya Ashok Hasamnis,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Taylor’s University,
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail: AmeyaAshok.Hasamnis@taylors.edu.my
The use of antibiotics has transformed the nature of medical practice substantially. Exponential increase in the migration of people has converted the whole world into a global village. As medical experts, we need to recognise that most of the infectious diseases are no longer limited to a geographical area and their spread is very fast in the modern world, and we have very few weapons to fight against it. Unfortunately, the over-reliance on the use of antibiotics in medicine and veterinary branches to tackle these infections has led to antimicrobial resistance.