Gospels of a Pandemic- A Metaphysical Commentary on the Current COVID-19 Crisis
Correspondence Address :
Sourya Acharya,
Doctors Qtrs, ABVR Hospital, DMIMSU, Sawangi, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: souryaacharya74@gmail.com
The entire human race is now going through an extremely rough patch. The SARS-CoV-2 is ravaging us in and out, ripping through our bodies and souls. Fighting is the core of survival and the fitter will win. Optimism flies high and yes! Human will be the ultimate winner but maybe the entire human race will be fatigued enough to celebrate the triumph. It’s now the call of Nature that “Lessons are to be learned”.
The “Big–Bang” which created our Universe happened from Quantum fluctuations. The realm of our visible Universe contains within it: uncountable galaxies, stars, nebulae, black holes and dark matter. We are the luckiest to be in the Goldilock’s zone (habitat zone) that has enabled us to grow in a habitable atmosphere!! As per Einstein, the eternal macrocosm is disciplined by the theory of relativity; the cosmic law of causality and determinism. But there evolves the hidden paradoxical truth, the truth of duality, uncertainty and indeterminism of Quantum Physics that fiercely contradicts causality and epitomise duality. This is the essence of “Quantum superposition”- the simultaneity of wave and particle, life and death. This war between the theoretical and particle physicists will go on till, we achieve the eternal wisdom, “The Quantum Gravity” which would be the Final equation of triumph. Ultimately, from relativity to quantum all are the play of Eternal Physics.
Alas! The same search will continue in our science, the “Science of Medicine”. It’s the same play of biophysics from Epidemiology to Molecular genetics! The disease will be there, its behavioural epidemiology will predictably swing in the fabrics of agent, host and environment akin to “The special theory of Relativity”. It will live and die out expectantly, but; here enters the villain…our enemy won’t succumb to every fight! It’s not that moron as we thought. It was and is still there preparing itself at its molecular level. Those quantum molecular mutations are indeed quantum fluctuations which would create a big bang. That would ravage our epidemiologic prejudices.
The human race has been shattered by several pandemics since time immemorial. But this is something different. The warnings had come earlier in form of SARS and MERS. The corona virus was adamant, and why not? After all, it prepared itself with great discipline for that ultimate divinely scientific weapon, “the mutational fluctuations” and the power for zoonotic spillover or species jumping. And now it waited for the right moment, the moment of human indiscipline. It is indeed not important how it attacked; whether by directly infecting us from bats, through an intermediate mammal (Malayan pangolin) or maybe from a point source laboratory; but yes, what is worth important is it struck back with a vengeance with new preparedness and rest is history. It is high time we the supreme race (are we?) start to respect Nature and learn our lessons.
The first gospel: is not to tamper with the laws of natural discipline and to realise that maybe, we aren’t the smartest of species. Though, the viruses out there are quantum sized, but they possess and are poised with the greatest power of Genetic diversity. They have the capability of mutagenic shifts and drifts that would destroy any human weapon (medicines/vaccines). They have been here on this planet millions of years before us. They have experienced the evolution and thrived through eternal cataclysms. They have influenced evolution of life. Even we, the newest of species carry their fossils in our genomes as reminders of past epidemics that our ancestors survived.
The second gospel: makes us realise how our activities have been the genesis of emergence of new pathogenic disease causing viruses. Our selfish overwhelming greed has no boundaries; it is limitless and is encroaching and disturbing other natural habitats. We with our activities are warming up the atmosphere and its temperature. This is giving a chance to certain species to expand their old habitat and encounter new hosts. And by the virtue of our so called advancements, we are subjecting ourselves to those close dangerous encounters. The unknown enemy is out there powerful enough to wipe us out. The irony is our great minds already know all this!! Maybe it’s the wisdom paradox, “Glorified wisdom with a nucleus of utter ignorance and foolishness”.
The third gospel: would be to leave behind all our pseudo egoism, petty politics, selfish cruel barbarism, racism, religious bigotries, terrorism, wars (with due respect to the devil inside), and focus and concentrate our economy on mending and maintaining the natural laws which we have tampered with, and destroyed. It is necessary to propel research in those directions that would strengthen us as a smart species in reality.
Agents will remain through eternity (any doubts?), they will continue to prepare themselves for greater encounters and of course, they are superior to us as species. They will continue to mutate in their respective quantum physical realms and jump through species and attack us with greater vigour. Maybe greater Pandemics are waiting to cast their spells!! Intermediate hosts will remain as innocent bystanders; they will always respect the laws of Nature and will be at the mercy of their masters (agents). It is on us, how we play with the environment so that the delicate fabric of Epidemiology would pave way to promote Euthenics.
Our future is filled with uncertainties. Actually, the human race is thriving in a trance of superposition (alive and dead at the same time!). From relativity to Quantum mechanics and from epidemiology to molecular genetics. Nature has written its own Gospels. Respect it or perish in the Apocalypse!! Others are here to stay. We won’t be here to learn from History, for we will be history.
Corona virus, Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Virus
DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2020/44627.13774
Date of Submission: Apr 12, 2020
Date of Peer Review: May 05, 2020
Date of Acceptance: May 08, 2020
Date of Publishing: Jun 01, 2020
• Financial or Other Competing Interests: None
• Was Ethics Committee Approval obtained for this study? NA
• Was informed consent obtained from the subjects involved in the study? NA
• For any images presented appropriate consent has been obtained from the subjects. NA
• Plagiarism X-checker: Apr 14, 2020
• Manual Googling: May 05, 2020
• iThenticate Software: May 22, 2020 (12%)
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