Evaluation of Serum Zinc and Antioxidant Vitamins in Adolescent Homozygous Sickle Cell Patients in Wardha, District of Central India BC01-BC03
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Prevalence of Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Adolescent Girls in a Tertiary Care Hospital BC04-BC06
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Variations of Adipokines and Insulin Resistance in Primary Hypothyroidism BC07-BC09
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Citral, A Monoterpene Protect Against High Glucose Induced Oxidative Injury in HepG2 Cell In Vitro-An Experimental Study BC10-BC15
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Pre-analytical Errors at the Chemical Pathology Laboratory of a Teaching Hospital BC16-BC18
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Hypertension, C Reactive Protein and Metabolic Profile: What is the Scenario in Patients Undergoing Arteriography? BC19-BC23
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Oxidative Stress Markers in Tuberculosis and HIV/TB Co-Infection BC24-BC28
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Study of Red Cell Fragility in Different Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in Relation to Parathyroid Hormone BC29-BC32
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Natural Killer Cells - Their Role in Tumour Immunosurveillance BE01-BE05
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