Efficacy of Passive Ultrasonic Activation Assisted Hand vs. Rotary Retreatment Files in the Removal of Root Canal Filling Material: An In Vitro Study ZC01-ZC06
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A Cross–sectional Study of Eruption Time of Primary Teeth in South Indian Children ZC07-ZC09
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Assessment of Association Between Tooth Morphology and Psychology ZC10-ZC12
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Prevalence of Bifid Mandibular Canals in Turkish Eastern Anatolia Population: A Retrospective Study ZC13-ZC17
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Assessment of Enamel Permeability Using Scanning Electron Microscopy in Permanent Teeth with and without Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation- An In Vivo Study ZC18-ZC22
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Quantitative Analysis of Streptococcus Mutans, Streptococcus Sobrinus and Streptococcus Sanguinis and their Association with Early Childhood Caries ZC23-ZC28
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The Perception of Asymmetries in Occlusal Plane in the Frontal View among Laypeople: An Eye-tracking Study ZC29-ZC32
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Rare Cutaneous Ischemia and Pain during Infiltrative Anaesthesia for Dental Surgery: Case Reports and Literature Review ZD01-ZD04
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Laterally Closed Tunnel Approach with A-PRF for Isolated Miller’s Class II Gingival Recession: A Case Report ZD05-ZD07
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Role of Curcumin in Alleviating Symptomatic Oral Lichen Planus: A Systematic Review ZE01-ZE06
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All the research studies published were performed in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written consent was obtained from all the included subjects (or the responsible next kin), where ever applicable. In case reports or any article which includes patients images, permission was sought from the patient (or the responsible next kin) for publication. Whether or not this has been explicitly stated in the manuscript, this was declared by the authors at the time of submission of manuscript to the journal. In a rare event, if the consent could not be obtained due to loss of patient for follow up or death or loss of contact, even after reasonable effort, the editors then decided on case by case basis, weighing on the individual contribution the report will make to advancement of medical literature.