Can Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Distribution Width be used as Predictive Markers for Impending Diabetic Vascular Complications? EC01-EC05
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Spectrum of Breast Carcinoma in Relation to ER, PR and HER2/neu Status with Special Emphasis on Changing Patterns in Recurrence EC06-EC09
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CDX-2 Protein Expression in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of Gallbladder EC10-EC14
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Evaluation of Liver Biopsies using Histopathological Scoring System in Neonatal Hepatitis and Biliary Atresia: Correlation with Clinico-Radiological and Biochemical Parameters EC15-EC19
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Emphasising the Distinctive Epithelioid Morphology and Clinical Connotation of Hepatic LECT2-Associated Amyloidosis (ALECT2): A Case Report and Review of the Literature ED01-ED03
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Angiomyoma: An Unusual Diagnosis of Preauricular Swelling ED04-ED05
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Intraosseous Collagenous Fibroma (Desmoplastic Fibroblastoma) Involving Maxillary Bone ED06-ED08
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Genital Tuberculosis: Coexisting Vulval and Endometrial Tuberculosis in a Multiparous Female ED09-ED10
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A Swimmer in a Sea of Tumour EL01-
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