Antecedent Drug Exposure Aetiology and Management Protocols in Steven-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, A Hospital Based Prospective Study FC01-FC04
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Effectiveness of Revised Pharmacology Record Books as a Teaching-Learning Method for Second Year Medical Students FC05-FC08
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Risk of Acute Kidney Injury with Amikacin versus Gentamycin both in Combination with Metronidazole for Surgical Prophylaxis FC09-FC12
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A Randomised Open Label Comparative Clinical Trial on the Efficacy of Latanoprost and Timolol in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma FC13-FC15
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Various Possible Toxicants Involved in Thyroid Dysfunction: A Review FE01-FE03
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All the research studies published were performed in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written consent was obtained from all the included subjects (or the responsible next kin), where ever applicable. In case reports or any article which includes patients images, permission was sought from the patient (or the responsible next kin) for publication. Whether or not this has been explicitly stated in the manuscript, this was declared by the authors at the time of submission of manuscript to the journal. In a rare event, if the consent could not be obtained due to loss of patient for follow up or death or loss of contact, even after reasonable effort, the editors then decided on case by case basis, weighing on the individual contribution the report will make to advancement of medical literature.