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Sensitivity and Specificity of Galectin-3 and Glypican-3 in Follicular-Patterned and Other Thyroid Neoplasms EC06-EC10
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Evaluation of Renal Allograft Biopsies for Graft Dysfunction and Relevance of C4d Staining in Antibody Mediated Rejection EC11-EC15
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Preoperative Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Ovarian Lesions- Is It a Rapid and Effective Diagnostic Modality? EC16-EC19
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Co-existence of Endometriotic Cyst of the Ovary and Arias-Stella Reaction in a Non-Pregnant Woman: Report of a Rare Case ED03-ED04
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Endometrial Cholesterol Granuloma Associated with Prolapsed Uterus- A Rare Case Report with Unusual Clinical Presentation ED05-ED06
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Primary Paratesticular Lymphoma with Testicular Sparing: Account of an Unusual Scrotal Mass ED07-ED08
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Pancreatoblastoma an Unusual Occurrence of a Tumour in Paediatric Age Group: A Case Report ED09-ED10
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Familial Hepatocellular Carcinoma- First Reported Case from India ED11-ED12
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Gaucher's Disease: A Rare Case, Diagnosed By Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ED13-ED14
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