Role of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Chronic Hypertensive Patients on Antihypertensive Therapy-A Cross-sectional Study OC01-OC04
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The Association between Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Parkinson's Disease: A Case-Control Study OC05-OC08
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Comparative Assessment of Validated Prognostic Models in Estimation of 30 Day Mortality in Alcoholic Hepatitis OC09-OC13
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Role of Hepcidin on Response of Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents in Anaemic Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Patients OC14-OC16
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Aspects of the Sinonasal Sarcoidosis Manifestations in Iran OC17-OC21
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Predictive Performance of Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Scoring in an Argentinian Hospital OC22-OC26
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Assessment of Serum Retinol Binding Protein 4 in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma OC27-OC31
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Demographic, Clinical and Endoscopic Characteristics of Active and Antibiotic-resistant H. pylori-associated Gastritis in Egyptian Adults OC32-OC37
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A Novel “Over the Wire” Technique for a Case of Difficult Percutaneous Transvenousmitral Commissurotomy OD01-OD02
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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Knee Joint Effusion OD03-OD05
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Septic Arthritis of Shoulder Joint an Unusual Complication of Acute Cholangitis OD06-OD07
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First Successful Use of Low Dose Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid in Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis OD08-OD10
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Outcome of Drug Resistant Severe Atrial Tachycardia During Pregnancy treated with Catheter Ablation OD11-OD13
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Hepatic Hydrothorax without Apparent Ascites and Dyspnea - A Case Report OD14-OD16
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Review of Infrared Carbon-Dioxide Sensors and Capnogram Features for Developing Asthma-Monitoring Device OE01-OE06
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Metabolic Healthy Obesity-A Paradoxical Fallacy? OE07-OE10
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Conjugate Gaze Palsy-The Sole Presentation of Acute Stroke OJ01-OJ02
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All the research studies published were performed in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written consent was obtained from all the included subjects (or the responsible next kin), where ever applicable. In case reports or any article which includes patients images, permission was sought from the patient (or the responsible next kin) for publication. Whether or not this has been explicitly stated in the manuscript, this was declared by the authors at the time of submission of manuscript to the journal. In a rare event, if the consent could not be obtained due to loss of patient for follow up or death or loss of contact, even after reasonable effort, the editors then decided on case by case basis, weighing on the individual contribution the report will make to advancement of medical literature.