Anti Mullerian Hormone: A Potential Marker for Recruited Non Growing Follicle of Ovarian Pool in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 1866-1869
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Effect of Various Eye Exercise Techniques along with Pranayama on Visual Reaction Time: A Case Control Study 1870-1873
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Alveolar Gas Exchange and Pulmonary Functions in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus 1874-1877
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Comparison of Effect of Regular Unstructured Physical Training and Athletic Level Training on Body Composition and Cardio Respiratory Fitness in Adolescents 1878-1882
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The Acute Effects of a Single Bout of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adult Males 1883-1885
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Effect of Cigarette and Cigar Smoking on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate 1886-1889
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Effect of Traditional Aerobic Exercises Versus Sprint Interval Training on Pulmonary Function Tests In Young Sedentary Males: A Randomised Controlled Trial 1890-1893
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Effect of ‘Water Induced Thermogenesis’ on Body Weight, Body Mass Index and Body Composition of Overweight Subjects 1894-1896
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