Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X      
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May 2012 Extra Issue     Table of Contents  XML
2024 | Month : | Vol : 6 | Issue : 3
Select Speciality from the list below :
Show All Articles Anaesthesia.. (2) Anatomy.. (6) Biochemistry.. (4)
Community.. (1) Dentistry.. (8) Dermatology.. (1) Endocrinology.. (1)
General.. (1) Infectious.. (1) Internal.. (1) Metabolic.. (1)
Microbiology.. (13) Obstetrics.. (2) Paediatrics.. (1) Pathology.. (6)
Pharmacology.. (2) Physiology.. (5) Psychiatry/mental.. (1) Radiology.. (1)
Surgery.. (3)

Speciality : ANATOMY (6)


Dermatoglyphics: A Diagnostic Tool to Predict Diabetes
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Hemlata Sharma

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Anatomical Variations in the Branches of the Coeliac Trunk
Antony Sylvan D’Souza, Vijayalakshmi, Hemalatha, Pugazhandhi, H. Mamatha

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Variational Anatomy of the Segmental Branches of the Splenic Artery
Prashant Nashiket Chaware, Swati Milind Belsare, Yashwant Ramakrishna Kulkarni, Sudhir Vishnupant Pandit, Jaideo Manohar Ughade

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



High bifurcation of the common carotid artery and looping of the external carotid artery – a case report
D. Vinaitha, K. Suba Anandhi, R. Sharmila Saran, Lakshmi Ramanathan, Aruna Subramaniam

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Bilateral Musculus Sternalis: A Case Report
Rajan Kumar Singla, Kanika Sachdeva

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


The Anomalous Trunkus Brachiocephalicus And Its Clinical Significance
Ananda Rani.V.S, Shifan Khandey, T.Srimathi, T.Muthukumar

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Dear Readers,

JCDR has brought out  May2012 Extra Issue to reduce the backlog of articles that are  accepted, but not published.


We have taken this step in order to reaffirm our  commitment to  authors and readers.


Dr. Hemant Jain

Chief Editor


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