Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X      
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May 2012 Extra Issue     Table of Contents  XML
2024 | Month : | Vol : 6 | Issue : 3
Select Speciality from the list below :
Show All Articles Anaesthesia.. (2) Anatomy.. (6) Biochemistry.. (4)
Community.. (1) Dentistry.. (8) Dermatology.. (1) Endocrinology.. (1)
General.. (1) Infectious.. (1) Internal.. (1) Metabolic.. (1)
Microbiology.. (13) Obstetrics.. (2) Paediatrics.. (1) Pathology.. (6)
Pharmacology.. (2) Physiology.. (5) Psychiatry/mental.. (1) Radiology.. (1)
Surgery.. (3)

Speciality : PATHOLOGY (6)


Metatypical Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report
Kalpana Kumari M.K., Srinivas C.H., Kirthi Koushik A.S.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Bilateral Primary Synovial Chondromatosis: A Case Report
Shivakumarswamy Udasimath, Vijay P.M., Purushotham R., Kumar Naik H., Nagesha. K.R.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Extensive Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: A Case Report
Vijay D. Dombale, S. I. Basarkod, H.B. Kotabagi, Unaiza Farheen

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Chronic Cold Agglutinin Disease: A Case Report with Review of Literature.
R. Kalyani, M J Thej, AK Thomas, A Raveesha

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Venous Hemangioma of the Breast: Report of an Unusual Case
Leena, Suma

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Genetic Basis of Breast Cancer
R.S. Khane

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Dear Readers,

JCDR has brought out  May2012 Extra Issue to reduce the backlog of articles that are  accepted, but not published.


We have taken this step in order to reaffirm our  commitment to  authors and readers.


Dr. Hemant Jain

Chief Editor


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