Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X      
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May 2012 Extra Issue     Table of Contents  XML
2024 | Month : | Vol : 6 | Issue : 3
Select Speciality from the list below :
Show All Articles Anaesthesia.. (2) Anatomy.. (6) Biochemistry.. (4)
Community.. (1) Dentistry.. (8) Dermatology.. (1) Endocrinology.. (1)
General.. (1) Infectious.. (1) Internal.. (1) Metabolic.. (1)
Microbiology.. (13) Obstetrics.. (2) Paediatrics.. (1) Pathology.. (6)
Pharmacology.. (2) Physiology.. (5) Psychiatry/mental.. (1) Radiology.. (1)
Surgery.. (3)

Speciality : SURGERY (3)


Amniotic Membrane Dressing versus Normal Saline Dressing in Non-healing Lower Limb Ulcers: A Prospective Comparative Study at a Teaching Hospital
Hanumanthappa M.B., Gopinathan S., Rithin Suvarna, Guruprasad Rai D., Gautham Shetty, Karan Shetty, Sanjeeva Shetty, Zuhail Nazar

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Thigh Abscess is an Unusual Presentation of the Perforation of Retroperitoneal Appendicitis
Lal S., Gupta. , Gaharwar APS. , Shrivastava G.P.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Traumatic Dislocation of the Testis: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature
Praveen Kumar K, Erel A.I. Diaz, Rupa M. Mascarenhas

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]



Dear Readers,

JCDR has brought out  May2012 Extra Issue to reduce the backlog of articles that are  accepted, but not published.


We have taken this step in order to reaffirm our  commitment to  authors and readers.


Dr. Hemant Jain

Chief Editor


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