The Relationship between Kinesiophobia, Pain Intensity and Functional Disability among Elderly Individuals with Low Back Pain: A Cross-sectional Study YC01-YC03
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Impact of Two Different High-power Pain Threshold Static Ultrasound Techniques on Myofascial Trigger Points: A Pilot Study YC04-YC09
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Effect of Yoga Nidra on Perceived Stress in Individuals with High Blood Pressure: A Quasi-experimental Study YC10-YC14
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Analysis of Fall Incidence Rate and Risk Factors at a Tertiary Care Hospital Setting for Inpatient Neurological Care using the Morse Fall Scale: A Prospective Study YC15-YC18
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Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Middle-aged Men and Women through the Queens College Step Test: A Cross-sectional Study YC19-YC22
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