Histopathological Pattern of Prostate Carcinoma using New Grading System in a Tertiary Centre of Saudi Arabia EC01-EC04
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Significance of Morphometric Evaluation of Pre-Malignant and Malignant Lesions of Uterine Cervix: A Cross-sectional Analytical Study EC05-EC07
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FNAC is a Boon for Salivary Gland Lesions: A Routine Diagnostic Experience among Rural Population EC08-EC11
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Histopathological Panorama of Leprosy in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Bihar EC12-EC15
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The Importance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Aggressiveness of Odontogenic Lesions EC16-EC19
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IgG4- Related TIN: Masquerading as Malignant Infiltrative Disorder ED01-ED03
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Immunoglobulin Light-Chain Isotype Switch (IS) during Lenalidomide Therapy in Multiple Myeloma and its Association with Increased M Protein Production and Miliary TB ED04-ED05
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Approach to Lung Neoplasm-Primary vs Metastasis: Short Review EE01-EE05
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Mott Cells: The Herculean Plasma cell EJ01-EJ02
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