Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X

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Dr Mohan Z Mani

"Thank you very much for having published my article in record time.I would like to compliment you and your entire staff for your promptness, courtesy, and willingness to be customer friendly, which is quite unusual.I was given your reference by a colleague in pathology,and was able to directly phone your editorial office for clarifications.I would particularly like to thank the publication managers and the Assistant Editor who were following up my article. I would also like to thank you for adjusting the money I paid initially into payment for my modified article,and refunding the balance.
I wish all success to your journal and look forward to sending you any suitable similar article in future"

Dr Mohan Z Mani,
Professor & Head,
Department of Dermatolgy,
Believers Church Medical College,
Thiruvalla, Kerala
On Sep 2018

Prof. Somashekhar Nimbalkar

"Over the last few years, we have published our research regularly in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Having published in more than 20 high impact journals over the last five years including several high impact ones and reviewing articles for even more journals across my fields of interest, we value our published work in JCDR for their high standards in publishing scientific articles. The ease of submission, the rapid reviews in under a month, the high quality of their reviewers and keen attention to the final process of proofs and publication, ensure that there are no mistakes in the final article. We have been asked clarifications on several occasions and have been happy to provide them and it exemplifies the commitment to quality of the team at JCDR."

Prof. Somashekhar Nimbalkar
Head, Department of Pediatrics, Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad
Chairman, Research Group, Charutar Arogya Mandal, Karamsad
National Joint Coordinator - Advanced IAP NNF NRP Program
Ex-Member, Governing Body, National Neonatology Forum, New Delhi
Ex-President - National Neonatology Forum Gujarat State Chapter
Department of Pediatrics, Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat.
On Sep 2018

Dr. Kalyani R

"Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research is at present a well-known Indian originated scientific journal which started with a humble beginning. I have been associated with this journal since many years. I appreciate the Editor, Dr. Hemant Jain, for his constant effort in bringing up this journal to the present status right from the scratch. The journal is multidisciplinary. It encourages in publishing the scientific articles from postgraduates and also the beginners who start their career. At the same time the journal also caters for the high quality articles from specialty and super-specialty researchers. Hence it provides a platform for the scientist and researchers to publish. The other aspect of it is, the readers get the information regarding the most recent developments in science which can be used for teaching, research, treating patients and to some extent take preventive measures against certain diseases. The journal is contributing immensely to the society at national and international level."

Dr Kalyani R
Professor and Head
Department of Pathology
Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research , Kolar, Karnataka
On Sep 2018

Dr. Saumya Navit

"As a peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research provides an opportunity to researchers, scientists and budding professionals to explore the developments in the field of medicine and dentistry and their varied specialities, thus extending our view on biological diversities of living species in relation to medicine.
‘Knowledge is treasure of a wise man.’ The free access of this journal provides an immense scope of learning for the both the old and the young in field of medicine and dentistry as well. The multidisciplinary nature of the journal makes it a better platform to absorb all that is being researched and developed. The publication process is systematic and professional. Online submission, publication and peer reviewing makes it a user-friendly journal.
As an experienced dentist and an academician, I proudly recommend this journal to the dental fraternity as a good quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery.
I wish JCDR a great success and I hope that journal will soar higher with the passing time."

Dr Saumya Navit
Professor and Head
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Saraswati Dental College
On Sep 2018

Dr. Arunava Biswas

"My sincere attachment with JCDR as an author as well as reviewer is a learning experience . Their systematic approach in publication of article in various categories is really praiseworthy.
Their prompt and timely response to review's query and the manner in which they have set the reviewing process helps in extracting the best possible scientific writings for publication.
It's a honour and pride to be a part of the JCDR team. My very best wishes to JCDR and hope it will sparkle up above the sky as a high indexed journal in near future."

Dr. Arunava Biswas
MD, DM (Clinical Pharmacology)
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital , Kolkata

Dr. C.S. Ramesh Babu
" Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) is a multi-specialty medical and dental journal publishing high quality research articles in almost all branches of medicine. The quality of printing of figures and tables is excellent and comparable to any International journal. An added advantage is nominal publication charges and monthly issue of the journal and more chances of an article being accepted for publication. Moreover being a multi-specialty journal an article concerning a particular specialty has a wider reach of readers of other related specialties also. As an author and reviewer for several years I find this Journal most suitable and highly recommend this Journal."
Best regards,
C.S. Ramesh Babu,
Associate Professor of Anatomy,
Muzaffarnagar Medical College,
On Aug 2018

Dr. Arundhathi. S
"Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) is a reputed peer reviewed journal and is constantly involved in publishing high quality research articles related to medicine. Its been a great pleasure to be associated with this esteemed journal as a reviewer and as an author for a couple of years. The editorial board consists of many dedicated and reputed experts as its members and they are doing an appreciable work in guiding budding researchers. JCDR is doing a commendable job in scientific research by promoting excellent quality research & review articles and case reports & series. The reviewers provide appropriate suggestions that improve the quality of articles. I strongly recommend my fraternity to encourage JCDR by contributing their valuable research work in this widely accepted, user friendly journal. I hope my collaboration with JCDR will continue for a long time".

Dr. Arundhathi. S
MBBS, MD (Pathology),
Sanjay Gandhi institute of trauma and orthopedics,
On Aug 2018

Dr. Mamta Gupta,
"It gives me great pleasure to be associated with JCDR, since last 2-3 years. Since then I have authored, co-authored and reviewed about 25 articles in JCDR. I thank JCDR for giving me an opportunity to improve my own skills as an author and a reviewer.
It 's a multispecialty journal, publishing high quality articles. It gives a platform to the authors to publish their research work which can be available for everyone across the globe to read. The best thing about JCDR is that the full articles of all medical specialties are available as pdf/html for reading free of cost or without institutional subscription, which is not there for other journals. For those who have problem in writing manuscript or do statistical work, JCDR comes for their rescue.
The journal has a monthly publication and the articles are published quite fast. In time compared to other journals. The on-line first publication is also a great advantage and facility to review one's own articles before going to print. The response to any query and permission if required, is quite fast; this is quite commendable. I have a very good experience about seeking quick permission for quoting a photograph (Fig.) from a JCDR article for my chapter authored in an E book. I never thought it would be so easy. No hassles.
Reviewing articles is no less a pain staking process and requires in depth perception, knowledge about the topic for review. It requires time and concentration, yet I enjoy doing it. The JCDR website especially for the reviewers is quite user friendly. My suggestions for improving the journal is, more strict review process, so that only high quality articles are published. I find a a good number of articles in Obst. Gynae, hence, a new journal for this specialty titled JCDR-OG can be started. May be a bimonthly or quarterly publication to begin with. Only selected articles should find a place in it.
An yearly reward for the best article authored can also incentivize the authors. Though the process of finding the best article will be not be very easy. I do not know how reviewing process can be improved. If an article is being reviewed by two reviewers, then opinion of one can be communicated to the other or the final opinion of the editor can be communicated to the reviewer if requested for. This will help one’s reviewing skills.
My best wishes to Dr. Hemant Jain and all the editorial staff of JCDR for their untiring efforts to bring out this journal. I strongly recommend medical fraternity to publish their valuable research work in this esteemed journal, JCDR".

Dr. Mamta Gupta
(Ex HOD Obs &Gynae, Hindu Rao Hospital and associated NDMC Medical College, Delhi)
Aug 2018

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Ghritlaharey

"I wish to thank Dr. Hemant Jain, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR), for asking me to write up few words.
Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium i e; into the words and sentences on paper. Quality medical manuscript writing in particular, demands not only a high-quality research, but also requires accurate and concise communication of findings and conclusions, with adherence to particular journal guidelines. In medical field whether working in teaching, private, or in corporate institution, everyone wants to excel in his / her own field and get recognised by making manuscripts publication.

Authors are the souls of any journal, and deserve much respect. To publish a journal manuscripts are needed from authors. Authors have a great responsibility for producing facts of their work in terms of number and results truthfully and an individual honesty is expected from authors in this regards. Both ways its true "No authors-No manuscripts-No journals" and "No journals–No manuscripts–No authors". Reviewing a manuscript is also a very responsible and important task of any peer-reviewed journal and to be taken seriously. It needs knowledge on the subject, sincerity, honesty and determination. Although the process of reviewing a manuscript is a time consuming task butit is expected to give one's best remarks within the time frame of the journal.
Salient features of the JCDR: It is a biomedical, multidisciplinary (including all medical and dental specialities), e-journal, with wide scope and extensive author support. At the same time, a free text of manuscript is available in HTML and PDF format. There is fast growing authorship and readership with JCDR as this can be judged by the number of articles published in it i e; in Feb 2007 of its first issue, it contained 5 articles only, and now in its recent volume published in April 2011, it contained 67 manuscripts. This e-journal is fulfilling the commitments and objectives sincerely, (as stated by Editor-in-chief in his preface to first edition) i e; to encourage physicians through the internet, especially from the developing countries who witness a spectrum of disease and acquire a wealth of knowledge to publish their experiences to benefit the medical community in patients care. I also feel that many of us have work of substance, newer ideas, adequate clinical materials but poor in medical writing and hesitation to submit the work and need help. JCDR provides authors help in this regards.
Timely publication of journal: Publication of manuscripts and bringing out the issue in time is one of the positive aspects of JCDR and is possible with strong support team in terms of peer reviewers, proof reading, language check, computer operators, etc. This is one of the great reasons for authors to submit their work with JCDR. Another best part of JCDR is "Online first Publications" facilities available for the authors. This facility not only provides the prompt publications of the manuscripts but at the same time also early availability of the manuscripts for the readers.
Indexation and online availability: Indexation transforms the journal in some sense from its local ownership to the worldwide professional community and to the public.JCDR is indexed with Embase & EMbiology, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Chemical Abstracts Service, Journal seek Database, Indian Science Abstracts, to name few of them. Manuscriptspublished in JCDR are available on major search engines ie; google, yahoo, msn.
In the era of fast growing newer technologies, and in computer and internet friendly environment the manuscripts preparation, submission, review, revision, etc and all can be done and checked with a click from all corer of the world, at any time. Of course there is always a scope for improvement in every field and none is perfect. To progress, one needs to identify the areas of one's weakness and to strengthen them.
It is well said that "happy beginning is half done" and it fits perfectly with JCDR. It has grown considerably and I feel it has already grown up from its infancy to adolescence, achieving the status of standard online e-journal form Indian continent since its inception in Feb 2007. This had been made possible due to the efforts and the hard work put in it. The way the JCDR is improving with every new volume, with good quality original manuscripts, makes it a quality journal for readers. I must thank and congratulate Dr Hemant Jain, Editor-in-Chief JCDR and his team for their sincere efforts, dedication, and determination for making JCDR a fast growing journal.
Every one of us: authors, reviewers, editors, and publisher are responsible for enhancing the stature of the journal. I wish for a great success for JCDR."

Thanking you
With sincere regards
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Ghritlaharey, M.S., M. Ch., FAIS
Associate Professor,
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Gandhi Medical College & Associated
Kamla Nehru & Hamidia Hospitals Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462 001 (India)
On May 11,2011

Dr. Shankar P.R.

"On looking back through my Gmail archives after being requested by the journal to write a short editorial about my experiences of publishing with the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR), I came across an e-mail from Dr. Hemant Jain, Editor, in March 2007, which introduced the new electronic journal. The main features of the journal which were outlined in the e-mail were extensive author support, cash rewards, the peer review process, and other salient features of the journal.
Over a span of over four years, we (I and my colleagues) have published around 25 articles in the journal. In this editorial, I plan to briefly discuss my experiences of publishing with JCDR and the strengths of the journal and to finally address the areas for improvement.
My experiences of publishing with JCDR: Overall, my experiences of publishing withJCDR have been positive. The best point about the journal is that it responds to queries from the author. This may seem to be simple and not too much to ask for, but unfortunately, many journals in the subcontinent and from many developing countries do not respond or they respond with a long delay to the queries from the authors 1. The reasons could be many, including lack of optimal secretarial and other support. Another problem with many journals is the slowness of the review process. Editorial processing and peer review can take anywhere between a year to two years with some journals. Also, some journals do not keep the contributors informed about the progress of the review process. Due to the long review process, the articles can lose their relevance and topicality. A major benefit with JCDR is the timeliness and promptness of its response. In Dr Jain's e-mail which was sent to me in 2007, before the introduction of the Pre-publishing system, he had stated that he had received my submission and that he would get back to me within seven days and he did!
Most of the manuscripts are published within 3 to 4 months of their submission if they are found to be suitable after the review process. JCDR is published bimonthly and the accepted articles were usually published in the next issue. Recently, due to the increased volume of the submissions, the review process has become slower and it ?? Section can take from 4 to 6 months for the articles to be reviewed. The journal has an extensive author support system and it has recently introduced a paid expedited review process. The journal also mentions the average time for processing the manuscript under different submission systems - regular submission and expedited review.
Strengths of the journal: The journal has an online first facility in which the accepted manuscripts may be published on the website before being included in a regular issue of the journal. This cuts down the time between their acceptance and the publication. The journal is indexed in many databases, though not in PubMed. The editorial board should now take steps to index the journal in PubMed. The journal has a system of notifying readers through e-mail when a new issue is released. Also, the articles are available in both the HTML and the PDF formats. I especially like the new and colorful page format of the journal. Also, the access statistics of the articles are available. The prepublication and the manuscript tracking system are also helpful for the authors.
Areas for improvement: In certain cases, I felt that the peer review process of the manuscripts was not up to international standards and that it should be strengthened. Also, the number of manuscripts in an issue is high and it may be difficult for readers to go through all of them. The journal can consider tightening of the peer review process and increasing the quality standards for the acceptance of the manuscripts. I faced occasional problems with the online manuscript submission (Pre-publishing) system, which have to be addressed.
Overall, the publishing process with JCDR has been smooth, quick and relatively hassle free and I can recommend other authors to consider the journal as an outlet for their work."

Dr. P. Ravi Shankar
KIST Medical College, P.O. Box 14142, Kathmandu, Nepal.
On April 2011

Dear team JCDR, I would like to thank you for the very professional and polite service provided by everyone at JCDR. While i have been in the field of writing and editing for sometime, this has been my first attempt in publishing a scientific paper.Thank you for hand-holding me through the process.

Dr. Anuradha
On Jan 2020

Important Notice

Past issue
Table of Contents - Year : 2018 | Month : February | Volume : 12 | Issue : 2 XML
Select Speciality from the list below
All Articles (82)

Vertebro-Subclavian Trunk: A Rare Aortic Arch Anomaly AC01-AC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

CS Rameshbabu, Vinay Sharma, Arjun Kumar, Muhammad Qasim, Om Prakash Gupta

Measurement of Sacral Parameters of Surgical Importance in North Indian Population AC05-AC09

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Shabnam Arora, Minakshi Verma, Sohinder Kaur, Sudha Chhabra, Priyanka Jain

The Effect of Hydro-Alcoholic Extraction of Valerian on Number and Morphology of Raphe Magnus Nucleus in Astrocytes in Rat Model AC10-AC13

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Hatamijoni Sajad, Rozbehi Amrollah, Seyed Forootan Farzad, Jafari Barmak Mehrzad

Anatomical and Clinical Perspective of Medial Arm Region Perforators-A Potential Flap for Reconstructive Surgeries AC14-AC18

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Richa Gupta, Tulika Gupta, Sunil Gaba, Anjali Aggarwal, Kaur Harjeet, Daisy Sahni

Association of Serum Homocysteine and hs-CRP with Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy and Duration of Antiepileptic Drug Therapy BC01-BC05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

DKV Prasad, TS Prabhakararao, U Satyanarayana, T Surya Prabha, Anjana Munshi

Effect of Phytonutrient Rich Juice Blends on Antioxidant Status and Lipid Profile in Young Adults: A Randomised Trial BC06-BC10

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Vaishali Vilas Agte, Prachi Pathare, Smita Nilegaonkar, Rashmi Tupe, Krishna Adesara, Amol Mali, Meghana Padwal, Rajani Melinkeri

Therapeutic Applications: Natural Killer Cells BE01-BE03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Preeti Sharma, Pradeep Kumar, Rachna Sharma

Para-Substituted Functionalised Ferrocene Esters with Novel Antibacterial Properties DC01-DC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Kevin Muñoz Forti, Faviola Bernard, Gustavo Santiago-Collazo, Waldemar Garcia, Jose L Vera, Enrique Meléndez, Edu B Suarez-Martinez

Importance of Mycologic Evaluation in Chronic Non Healing Ulcers DD01-DD03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Vivek Hada, Anuradha Sharma, Vijaya Lakshmi Nag, Kushwant Singh Rathore

Penicillium roqueforti: A Rare Fungus Causing Infection in an Immunocompromised Host DD04-DD05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Jisha Asokan, Ajithkumar Vellanithamunni, Rema Devi Surendran

Can Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Distribution Width be used as Predictive Markers for Impending Diabetic Vascular Complications? EC01-EC05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

R Lavanya Rajagopal, Sundaram Arunachalam, Saleh Mohammed Abdullah, Vinothkumar Ganesan, Kumerasan Kathamuthu, Balaji Ramraj

Spectrum of Breast Carcinoma in Relation to ER, PR and HER2/neu Status with Special Emphasis on Changing Patterns in Recurrence EC06-EC09

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Koushik Sarkar, Chhanda Das, Madhumita Mukhopadhyay, Madhu Kumari, Ashis Kumar Saha, Bedabrata Mukhopadhyay

CDX-2 Protein Expression in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of Gallbladder EC10-EC14

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Mayank Anand, Malti Kumari Maurya, Madhu Mati Goel, Madhu Kumar, Ajay Kumar Singh, Preeti Agarwal, Vishal Gupta, Annu Makker

Evaluation of Liver Biopsies using Histopathological Scoring System in Neonatal Hepatitis and Biliary Atresia: Correlation with Clinico-Radiological and Biochemical Parameters EC15-EC19

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Prasath Sathiah, Debdatta Basu, Rakhee Kar, Barath Jagadisan, S Kumaravel

Emphasising the Distinctive Epithelioid Morphology and Clinical Connotation of Hepatic LECT2-Associated Amyloidosis (ALECT2): A Case Report and Review of the Literature ED01-ED03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

DongHyang Kwon, Bhaskar V Kallakury

Angiomyoma: An Unusual Diagnosis of Preauricular Swelling ED04-ED05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Anamika Kashyap, Smita Singh, Kiran Agarwal

Intraosseous Collagenous Fibroma (Desmoplastic Fibroblastoma) Involving Maxillary Bone ED06-ED08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Natália Galvão Garcia, Silas Antonio Juvencio De Freitaitas Filho, Cléverson Teixeira Soares, Caio Márcio Figueiredo, Denise Tostes Oliveira

Genital Tuberculosis: Coexisting Vulval and Endometrial Tuberculosis in a Multiparous Female ED09-ED10

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Shalini Bahadur, Ruchi Rathore, Ruchi Bansal, Upasana Verma, Namrata Nargotra

A Swimmer in a Sea of Tumour EL01-

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Aminder Singh, Pavneet Kaur Selhi, Neena Sood, Manjot Kaur

Lesinurad, a Novel Uricosuric Drug for Allopurinol-Refractory Gout Patients FE01-FE05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Yashika Garg, Vishant Gawri, Rajeshwari Gore, Radhe Shyam Garg, Arun Kumar

Effect of Myristica fragrans Extract on Food Intake and Body Weight in Experimental Models FF01-FF05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Yakaiah Vangoori, Anusha Dakshinamoorthi, R Prabhakar Rao, Darling Chelathai David, K Anantha Babu

Sodium Valproate Induced Hyperammonaemia without Hepatic Failure in Adults: A Series of Three Cases FR01-FR02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Vybhav Krishna, Sereen Rose Thomson, Bharti Chogtu, Ganga Parameshwari Soundarrajan, PSVN Sharma

TP53 Gene Alterations including Codon 72 Polymorphism in Patients with Multiple Myeloma GC01-GC05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Perumal Govindasamy, Charles Sharchil, Nithya Mohan, Prabu Pandurangan, Anil Tarigopula, Rama Mani, Chandra R Samuel

Dermatoglyphics and Alcohol-Tobacco Consumption GC06-GC08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Goutham Gandham, K Thajuddeen

Attiude of Medical Science Students towards Medical Ethics JC01-JC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Arash Ziapour, Alireza Khatony, Faranak Jafaafari, Neda Kianipour

Impact of Educational Intervention on Quality of Discharge Summaries JC04-JC08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Ajay Gajanan PhaTak, Mahesh Matheathew, Nikhil M Dave, Mihir Parekh, Himanshu V Pandya

Effectiveness of a Teacher Training Workshop: An Interventional Study JC09-JC12

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Anuradha Mokkapati, Prashanth Mada

Intra- and Inter-operator Reproducibility Analysis of Automated Cloud-based Carotid Intima Media Thickness Ultrasound Measurement KC01-KC11

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Luca Saba, Sumit K Banchhor, Tadashi Araki, Harman S Suri, Narendra D Londhe, John R Laird, Klaudija Viskovic, Jasjit S Suri

Utilisation of Adolescent Health Services Under RMNCH+A in an Urban Slum of Berhampur, Odisha, India LC01-LC05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Radha Madhab Tripathy, Sambedana Mohanty, Manasee Panda, Monali Kar

Allergy Profile of Patients Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital in Hilly Areas of Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India MC01-MC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Manpreet Singh Nanda, Kamaljit Singh, Rama Devi

Fused Eyelids at Birth NJ01-NJ02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Rakhi Kusumesh, Anita Ambastha, Santosh Kumar Thakur, Megha Gulati

Impact of Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders on Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus OC01-OC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Maryam Mobini, Parastoo Karimi, Reza Ali Mohammadpour, Fatemeh Niksolat, Zahra Kashi

Clinicoradiological Evaluation of Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy: A Monocentric Prospective Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital of Eastern India OC05-OC09

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Maheswar Samanta, Ashok Kumar Mallick, Geeta Mohanty, Kali Prasanna Swain

Assessing the Correlation between Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Systemic Hypertension OC10-OC13

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Yadvir Garg, Neha Kakria, Vasu Vardhan, CDS Katoch, Priyanka Singh

Caffeine Effect on Bone Mineral Density: A Cross-sectional Study OC14-OC17

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Manal Faiez Alshanbari, Eman Mohasny Alsofyani, Dhaifallah Mohammed Almalki, Khaled Abdullah Alswat

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis: A Rare Complication of Varicella Zoster Infection in an Adult OD01-OD03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Jahnvi Dhar, Lokesh Kumar, Pranav Ish, S Anuradha

A Rare Association of Amoebic Liver Abscess and Hepatitis E: Case Report OD04-OD05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Avinash Pathuri, Janak TaTarun Bahirwani, Shipra Rai, Biji Bob Thomas

Olmesartan in Management of Proteinuria OE01-OE05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Satyanarayan Routray, VN Shah, Abhay Sahoo, Priti Sanghavi, Amit Omprakash Gupta, Onkar C Swami

Correspondence: Role of Anaemia and Magnesium Levels on the Sputum Smear Conversion among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients OL01-

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Anirban Mandal, Puneet Kaur Sahi

Primary Early Surgical Management of Pancreatic Ascites Complicating Chronic Pancreatitis-A Single Centre Experience PC01-PC07

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Ramalingam Durai Rajan Somasekar, Raju Prabhakaran, Anbalagan Amudhan, Murugaiyan Gnanasekar, Kalyanashanmugam Sivakumar, Govindaraj Raman Senthilkumaran, Shanmugasundaram Rajendran, Obla Naganathbabu

Post Procedure Effects of Diagnostic Rigid Cystoscopy PC08-PC11

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Vivek Agrawal, Ashesh Kumar Jha, Dekid Palmo, Debjyoti Mohanty

Accuracy of Computerised Tomography Scan for the Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastasis in Cholangiocarcinoma PC12-PC16

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Metha Songthamwat, Nitaya Chamadol, Narong Khuntikeo, Jadsada Thinkhamrop, Supinda Koonmee, Nathaphop Chaichaya, Bandit Thinkhamrop

An Audit of Urethroplasty Techniques used for Managing Anterior Urethral Strictures at a Tertiary Care Teaching Institute-What We Learned PC17-PC21

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Ajit S Sawant, Abhishek J Savalia, Prakash W Pawar, Sunil R Patil, Gaurav V Kasat, Sayalee Narwade, Ashwin S Tamhankar, Shankar T Mundhe

Bilateral Lateral Rotation of Kidneys with Unilateral Cryptorchidism PD01-PD02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Abhijit Jagdale, Vinitkumar Deshmukh, Bikash Parida, Sumit Patil, Sanjiv Thakur

Compound (External) Dislocation of Testis: An Unusual Case PD03-PD04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Vijayakumar Chellappa, Anitha Muthusami, Ganesh Vijaykumar, Sudharsanan Sundaramurthi, TP Elamurugan

Ureteric Obstruction due to Aberrant Vessel Masquerading as Retrocaval Ureter PD05-PD06

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Sunirmal Choudhury, Pritesh Jain, Dilip Kumar Pal

Predictive Value of Fasting Plasma Glucose on First Antenatal Visit before 20 Weeks of Gestation to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes Mellitus QC01-QC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Manisha Sharma, K Nayanisri, Rekha Jain, Rajiv Ranjan

A Rare Cause of Headache during Pregnancy QD01-QD02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Fabiane Amaral das Neves, Filipa Raquel Pereira Nunes, Maria InĂŞs Marques PolĂłnio

Incidence of Pin Site Infection in Buried versus Unburied K-wire Fixation Techniques in Fracture Fixation RC01-RC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Jojin Jose Chitten, P Muthaiyan, Boblee James, Vincent Bosco Savery

Single-Dose Oral Dexamethasone Compared with Three Day Course of Oral Prednisolone in Children with Moderate Exacerbation of Asthma-A Pilot Double-Blinded Randomised Controlled Trial SC01-SC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Kandasamy Prasannavenkatesh, Dhandapany Gunasekaran, Karuppiah Pandi, Rangan Srinivasaraghavan, Chandramohan Anandhi, Palanisamy Soundararajan

Survival after In-hospital Cardiac Arrest among Paediatric Patients-A Descriptive Study SC04-SC09

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Raja Guru Ganesan, Sarthak Das, Narayanan Parameswara, Niranjan Biswawal, Ajith Pabhu

Healthcare Associated Infection in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit-A Tertiary Care Hospital Experience SC10-SC13

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Ponnusamy Venmugil, MK Senthil Kumar

Buparvaquone Intoxication: Report of a Life-Threatening Thrombocytopenia in a Child and Review of Literature SD01-SD03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Omid Reza Zekavat, Gholamreza Fathpour, Mohammadreza Bordbar, Sezaneh Haghpanah, Nader Shakibazad

Myoclonic Seizures and Lactic Acidemia in a Term Newborn Born with No History of Asphyxia SD04-SD05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Sushil Choudhary, Viraraghavan Vadakkencherry Ramaswamy, Sushma Nangia, Arvind Saili

A Clinical and Biochemical Camouflage-Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-1 Deficiency: A Case Series SR01-SR03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Shrikiran Hebbar, Sowmya Shashidhara, Suneel Mundkur, Shravan Kanaparthi

Assessment of Multidetector Computed Tomography Signs of Unilateral Vocal Cord Palsy: Do We Really Need to Evaluate Coronal Reformatted Images? TC01-TC06

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Ankur Malhotra, Rajiv Azad, Rajendra Kumar Srivastava, Abhinav Juneja, Devkant Lakhera, Tarun Kumar Chauhan

Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Enhancement and Washout Characteristics of HCC and non HCC Hypervascular Liver Tumours TC07-TC12

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Prerna Garg, Salil Pandey, Muthusubramanian, Cindrel, B Devanand, V Maheshwaran, R Rajakumar

Total Basal Ovarian Volume as a Marker of Ovarian Reserve: Myth or Reality TC13-TC16

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Arjit Agarwal, Shubhra Agarwal, Ashish Verma, Ram Chandra Shukla

Erdheim-Chester Disease: Utility of 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography TD01-TD02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Angelina Cistaro, Maria Licari, Simone Margotti, Daniele Penna, Vincenzo Arena

Bronchogenic Cyst over Sternum–An Unusual Location TD03-TD05

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Amol Jagdale, Shopnil Prasla, Saurav Mittal

Multisystem Fibro Inflammatory Disease: A Rare Combination TD06-TD08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Sivakami Pradheepkumar, Ramesh Kumar Rudrappa

Correspondence: Health Issues among Radiologists: Toll they Pay to their Profession TL01-TL01

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Venkatraman Indiran, J Kokilavani

Comparing the Ease of Insertion and Haemodynamic changes of Laryngeal Mask Airway and Combitube in Patients undergoing General Anaesthesia UC01-UC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Parmod Kumar, Balwinder Kaur, Ajay Kumar Basra, Pankaj Sarangal, Gurpreet Kaur Atwal

Effect of Position during Induction of Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section on Maternal Haemodynamic: Randomised Clinical Trial UC05-UC08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Atashkhoei Simin, Bahman Naghipour, Haleh farzin, Maddahi Saeede, Hatami Marandi Pouya, Pourfathi Hojjat

Recovery Profile of Atracurium versus Cisatracurium UC09-UC12

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Harpreet Kaur, Joginder Pal Attri, Veena Chatrath, Harkomal Kaur, Jaspreet Kaur

Effect of Low-flow Sevoflurane Anaesthesia on Renal Functions in Patients Undergoing Surgery: A Retrospective Study UC13-UC16

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Umesh Deshmukh, Gurpreet Singh Popli, Darshan Pal Singh, Anuvijayant Goel

Evaluation of Clonidine and Lignocaine for Attenuation of Haemodynamic Response to Laryngoscopy and Intubation: A Randomised Controlled Trial UC17-UC20

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Abhinav Gupta, Hari Kishan Mahajan, Arijit Sarkar, Parashu Ram Chauhan, Ravinder Dhanerwa, Shalu Singh, Anish Joseph, Deepika Chaubey

Survival Impact of Postoperative Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Treatment of Advanced Stage Maxillary Sinus Cancer Patients XC01-XC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Upendra Nandwana, Manoj Verma, Tej Prakash Soni, Naresh Jakhotia, Nidhi Patni, Anil Kumar Gupta, Lalit Mohan Sharma, Rajesh Pasricha

Clear Cell Primary Seminal Vesicle Carcinoma in a Young Male-A Rare Case Report XD01-XD02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Saurabh Gaur, Bhavna Nayal, Sunil B PillAi, Padmaraj Hegde, Arun Kumar Chawla, Aseem Kapadia

Inter-rater Reliability of Posture Pro 8 Software Analysis in Upper Body Dysfunction: A Prospective Study YC01-YC03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Purushothaman Senthil, Sudhakar Subramanian, Pannirselvam Senthilselvam, Perisamy Sivakumar, Radhakrishanan, Rangasamy Sarala

The Contribution of Health and Psychological Factors in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain and Disability: A Cross-sectional Study YC04-YC07

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Pavlos Bobos, Goris Nazari, Stephania Palimeris, Evdokia Billis, Joy C MacDermid

Histological Evaluation of Root Repair after Damage due to Intentional Contact with Orthodontic Micro-Screw Implants: An in vivo Study ZC01-ZC04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Sujata A Yerawadekar, Jayesh S Rahalkar, Milind Darda, Sachin C Sarode, Gargi S Sarode

Radiomorphometeric Evaluation of Clivus in Indian Paediatric Population Visiting a Tertiary Dental Hospital- A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study ZC05-ZC08

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Akhilanand Chaurasia, Ranjitkumar Patil, Gaurav Katheriya

Atraumatic Restorative Treatment vs. Hall Technique for Occlusoproximal Lesions in Primary Dentition-An In vivo Study ZC09-ZC13

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Siragam Pavani Lakshmi, Suzan Sahana, Aron Arun Kumar Vasa, Ghanashyam Prasad Madu, Sushma Bezawada, Mamidi Deepika

Clinicopathologic Profile of Dentigerous Cyst in North Karnataka Region of India: A 20 Years Review ZC14-ZC17

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Rekha Krishnapillai, Kurian Punnoose

Immunohistochemical Stain-Phosphohistone H3: Most Specific Mitotic Marker ZC18-ZC21

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

N Sudarshini, Spoorthi Ravi Banavar, Shwetha K Nambiar, Dominic Augustine, SV Sowmya, Vanishree C Haragannavar, Roopa S Rao

Bilateral Isolated Nasal Cleft Management: A Facile Solution or a Treatment Conundrum? ZD01-ZD03

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Natarajan Chellappa, Parit Ladani, Hermann Sailer

Application of Le Fort I Osteotomy for Post-traumatic Malocclusion Secondary to Condylar Fractures in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report ZD04-ZD06

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Shinsuke Yamamoto, Toshihiko Takenobu, Izumi Kouchi, Yuzo Hirai, Naoki Taniike

A Persistent Upper Lip Swelling: A Diagnostic Dilemma ZJ01-ZJ02

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Abhishek Soni, Ashish M Warhekar, Panjab V Wanjari

Paranasal Sinus Carcinoma Dissimulating as Alveolar Osteitis ZJ03-ZJ04

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Arulmozhi Nandakumar, K Vijayalakshmi, Ramya Ramadoss, A Kannan

Treating Odontomes : Surgical Management with Plasma Rich Fibrin as New Front Foot ZJ05-ZJ07

Published: February 1, 2018 | DOI:

Keerti Chandail, Satyam Dutt, Punit Singh


All the research studies published were performed in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written consent was obtained from all the included subjects (or the responsible next kin), where ever applicable. In case reports or any article which includes patients images, permission was sought from the patient (or the responsible next kin) for publication. Whether or not this has been explicitly stated in the manuscript, this was declared by the authors at the time of submission of manuscript to the journal. In a rare event, if the consent could not be obtained due to loss of patient for follow up or death or loss of contact, even after reasonable effort, the editors then decided on case by case basis, weighing on the individual contribution the report will make to advancement of medical literature.