Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, ISSN - 0973 - 709X

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Dr Mohan Z Mani

"Thank you very much for having published my article in record time.I would like to compliment you and your entire staff for your promptness, courtesy, and willingness to be customer friendly, which is quite unusual.I was given your reference by a colleague in pathology,and was able to directly phone your editorial office for clarifications.I would particularly like to thank the publication managers and the Assistant Editor who were following up my article. I would also like to thank you for adjusting the money I paid initially into payment for my modified article,and refunding the balance.
I wish all success to your journal and look forward to sending you any suitable similar article in future"

Dr Mohan Z Mani,
Professor & Head,
Department of Dermatolgy,
Believers Church Medical College,
Thiruvalla, Kerala
On Sep 2018

Prof. Somashekhar Nimbalkar

"Over the last few years, we have published our research regularly in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Having published in more than 20 high impact journals over the last five years including several high impact ones and reviewing articles for even more journals across my fields of interest, we value our published work in JCDR for their high standards in publishing scientific articles. The ease of submission, the rapid reviews in under a month, the high quality of their reviewers and keen attention to the final process of proofs and publication, ensure that there are no mistakes in the final article. We have been asked clarifications on several occasions and have been happy to provide them and it exemplifies the commitment to quality of the team at JCDR."

Prof. Somashekhar Nimbalkar
Head, Department of Pediatrics, Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad
Chairman, Research Group, Charutar Arogya Mandal, Karamsad
National Joint Coordinator - Advanced IAP NNF NRP Program
Ex-Member, Governing Body, National Neonatology Forum, New Delhi
Ex-President - National Neonatology Forum Gujarat State Chapter
Department of Pediatrics, Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat.
On Sep 2018

Dr. Kalyani R

"Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research is at present a well-known Indian originated scientific journal which started with a humble beginning. I have been associated with this journal since many years. I appreciate the Editor, Dr. Hemant Jain, for his constant effort in bringing up this journal to the present status right from the scratch. The journal is multidisciplinary. It encourages in publishing the scientific articles from postgraduates and also the beginners who start their career. At the same time the journal also caters for the high quality articles from specialty and super-specialty researchers. Hence it provides a platform for the scientist and researchers to publish. The other aspect of it is, the readers get the information regarding the most recent developments in science which can be used for teaching, research, treating patients and to some extent take preventive measures against certain diseases. The journal is contributing immensely to the society at national and international level."

Dr Kalyani R
Professor and Head
Department of Pathology
Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College
Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research , Kolar, Karnataka
On Sep 2018

Dr. Saumya Navit

"As a peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research provides an opportunity to researchers, scientists and budding professionals to explore the developments in the field of medicine and dentistry and their varied specialities, thus extending our view on biological diversities of living species in relation to medicine.
‘Knowledge is treasure of a wise man.’ The free access of this journal provides an immense scope of learning for the both the old and the young in field of medicine and dentistry as well. The multidisciplinary nature of the journal makes it a better platform to absorb all that is being researched and developed. The publication process is systematic and professional. Online submission, publication and peer reviewing makes it a user-friendly journal.
As an experienced dentist and an academician, I proudly recommend this journal to the dental fraternity as a good quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery.
I wish JCDR a great success and I hope that journal will soar higher with the passing time."

Dr Saumya Navit
Professor and Head
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Saraswati Dental College
On Sep 2018

Dr. Arunava Biswas

"My sincere attachment with JCDR as an author as well as reviewer is a learning experience . Their systematic approach in publication of article in various categories is really praiseworthy.
Their prompt and timely response to review's query and the manner in which they have set the reviewing process helps in extracting the best possible scientific writings for publication.
It's a honour and pride to be a part of the JCDR team. My very best wishes to JCDR and hope it will sparkle up above the sky as a high indexed journal in near future."

Dr. Arunava Biswas
MD, DM (Clinical Pharmacology)
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital , Kolkata

Dr. C.S. Ramesh Babu
" Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) is a multi-specialty medical and dental journal publishing high quality research articles in almost all branches of medicine. The quality of printing of figures and tables is excellent and comparable to any International journal. An added advantage is nominal publication charges and monthly issue of the journal and more chances of an article being accepted for publication. Moreover being a multi-specialty journal an article concerning a particular specialty has a wider reach of readers of other related specialties also. As an author and reviewer for several years I find this Journal most suitable and highly recommend this Journal."
Best regards,
C.S. Ramesh Babu,
Associate Professor of Anatomy,
Muzaffarnagar Medical College,
On Aug 2018

Dr. Arundhathi. S
"Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR) is a reputed peer reviewed journal and is constantly involved in publishing high quality research articles related to medicine. Its been a great pleasure to be associated with this esteemed journal as a reviewer and as an author for a couple of years. The editorial board consists of many dedicated and reputed experts as its members and they are doing an appreciable work in guiding budding researchers. JCDR is doing a commendable job in scientific research by promoting excellent quality research & review articles and case reports & series. The reviewers provide appropriate suggestions that improve the quality of articles. I strongly recommend my fraternity to encourage JCDR by contributing their valuable research work in this widely accepted, user friendly journal. I hope my collaboration with JCDR will continue for a long time".

Dr. Arundhathi. S
MBBS, MD (Pathology),
Sanjay Gandhi institute of trauma and orthopedics,
On Aug 2018

Dr. Mamta Gupta,
"It gives me great pleasure to be associated with JCDR, since last 2-3 years. Since then I have authored, co-authored and reviewed about 25 articles in JCDR. I thank JCDR for giving me an opportunity to improve my own skills as an author and a reviewer.
It 's a multispecialty journal, publishing high quality articles. It gives a platform to the authors to publish their research work which can be available for everyone across the globe to read. The best thing about JCDR is that the full articles of all medical specialties are available as pdf/html for reading free of cost or without institutional subscription, which is not there for other journals. For those who have problem in writing manuscript or do statistical work, JCDR comes for their rescue.
The journal has a monthly publication and the articles are published quite fast. In time compared to other journals. The on-line first publication is also a great advantage and facility to review one's own articles before going to print. The response to any query and permission if required, is quite fast; this is quite commendable. I have a very good experience about seeking quick permission for quoting a photograph (Fig.) from a JCDR article for my chapter authored in an E book. I never thought it would be so easy. No hassles.
Reviewing articles is no less a pain staking process and requires in depth perception, knowledge about the topic for review. It requires time and concentration, yet I enjoy doing it. The JCDR website especially for the reviewers is quite user friendly. My suggestions for improving the journal is, more strict review process, so that only high quality articles are published. I find a a good number of articles in Obst. Gynae, hence, a new journal for this specialty titled JCDR-OG can be started. May be a bimonthly or quarterly publication to begin with. Only selected articles should find a place in it.
An yearly reward for the best article authored can also incentivize the authors. Though the process of finding the best article will be not be very easy. I do not know how reviewing process can be improved. If an article is being reviewed by two reviewers, then opinion of one can be communicated to the other or the final opinion of the editor can be communicated to the reviewer if requested for. This will help one’s reviewing skills.
My best wishes to Dr. Hemant Jain and all the editorial staff of JCDR for their untiring efforts to bring out this journal. I strongly recommend medical fraternity to publish their valuable research work in this esteemed journal, JCDR".

Dr. Mamta Gupta
(Ex HOD Obs &Gynae, Hindu Rao Hospital and associated NDMC Medical College, Delhi)
Aug 2018

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Ghritlaharey

"I wish to thank Dr. Hemant Jain, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR), for asking me to write up few words.
Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium i e; into the words and sentences on paper. Quality medical manuscript writing in particular, demands not only a high-quality research, but also requires accurate and concise communication of findings and conclusions, with adherence to particular journal guidelines. In medical field whether working in teaching, private, or in corporate institution, everyone wants to excel in his / her own field and get recognised by making manuscripts publication.

Authors are the souls of any journal, and deserve much respect. To publish a journal manuscripts are needed from authors. Authors have a great responsibility for producing facts of their work in terms of number and results truthfully and an individual honesty is expected from authors in this regards. Both ways its true "No authors-No manuscripts-No journals" and "No journals–No manuscripts–No authors". Reviewing a manuscript is also a very responsible and important task of any peer-reviewed journal and to be taken seriously. It needs knowledge on the subject, sincerity, honesty and determination. Although the process of reviewing a manuscript is a time consuming task butit is expected to give one's best remarks within the time frame of the journal.
Salient features of the JCDR: It is a biomedical, multidisciplinary (including all medical and dental specialities), e-journal, with wide scope and extensive author support. At the same time, a free text of manuscript is available in HTML and PDF format. There is fast growing authorship and readership with JCDR as this can be judged by the number of articles published in it i e; in Feb 2007 of its first issue, it contained 5 articles only, and now in its recent volume published in April 2011, it contained 67 manuscripts. This e-journal is fulfilling the commitments and objectives sincerely, (as stated by Editor-in-chief in his preface to first edition) i e; to encourage physicians through the internet, especially from the developing countries who witness a spectrum of disease and acquire a wealth of knowledge to publish their experiences to benefit the medical community in patients care. I also feel that many of us have work of substance, newer ideas, adequate clinical materials but poor in medical writing and hesitation to submit the work and need help. JCDR provides authors help in this regards.
Timely publication of journal: Publication of manuscripts and bringing out the issue in time is one of the positive aspects of JCDR and is possible with strong support team in terms of peer reviewers, proof reading, language check, computer operators, etc. This is one of the great reasons for authors to submit their work with JCDR. Another best part of JCDR is "Online first Publications" facilities available for the authors. This facility not only provides the prompt publications of the manuscripts but at the same time also early availability of the manuscripts for the readers.
Indexation and online availability: Indexation transforms the journal in some sense from its local ownership to the worldwide professional community and to the public.JCDR is indexed with Embase & EMbiology, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Chemical Abstracts Service, Journal seek Database, Indian Science Abstracts, to name few of them. Manuscriptspublished in JCDR are available on major search engines ie; google, yahoo, msn.
In the era of fast growing newer technologies, and in computer and internet friendly environment the manuscripts preparation, submission, review, revision, etc and all can be done and checked with a click from all corer of the world, at any time. Of course there is always a scope for improvement in every field and none is perfect. To progress, one needs to identify the areas of one's weakness and to strengthen them.
It is well said that "happy beginning is half done" and it fits perfectly with JCDR. It has grown considerably and I feel it has already grown up from its infancy to adolescence, achieving the status of standard online e-journal form Indian continent since its inception in Feb 2007. This had been made possible due to the efforts and the hard work put in it. The way the JCDR is improving with every new volume, with good quality original manuscripts, makes it a quality journal for readers. I must thank and congratulate Dr Hemant Jain, Editor-in-Chief JCDR and his team for their sincere efforts, dedication, and determination for making JCDR a fast growing journal.
Every one of us: authors, reviewers, editors, and publisher are responsible for enhancing the stature of the journal. I wish for a great success for JCDR."

Thanking you
With sincere regards
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Ghritlaharey, M.S., M. Ch., FAIS
Associate Professor,
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Gandhi Medical College & Associated
Kamla Nehru & Hamidia Hospitals Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462 001 (India)
On May 11,2011

Dr. Shankar P.R.

"On looking back through my Gmail archives after being requested by the journal to write a short editorial about my experiences of publishing with the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR), I came across an e-mail from Dr. Hemant Jain, Editor, in March 2007, which introduced the new electronic journal. The main features of the journal which were outlined in the e-mail were extensive author support, cash rewards, the peer review process, and other salient features of the journal.
Over a span of over four years, we (I and my colleagues) have published around 25 articles in the journal. In this editorial, I plan to briefly discuss my experiences of publishing with JCDR and the strengths of the journal and to finally address the areas for improvement.
My experiences of publishing with JCDR: Overall, my experiences of publishing withJCDR have been positive. The best point about the journal is that it responds to queries from the author. This may seem to be simple and not too much to ask for, but unfortunately, many journals in the subcontinent and from many developing countries do not respond or they respond with a long delay to the queries from the authors 1. The reasons could be many, including lack of optimal secretarial and other support. Another problem with many journals is the slowness of the review process. Editorial processing and peer review can take anywhere between a year to two years with some journals. Also, some journals do not keep the contributors informed about the progress of the review process. Due to the long review process, the articles can lose their relevance and topicality. A major benefit with JCDR is the timeliness and promptness of its response. In Dr Jain's e-mail which was sent to me in 2007, before the introduction of the Pre-publishing system, he had stated that he had received my submission and that he would get back to me within seven days and he did!
Most of the manuscripts are published within 3 to 4 months of their submission if they are found to be suitable after the review process. JCDR is published bimonthly and the accepted articles were usually published in the next issue. Recently, due to the increased volume of the submissions, the review process has become slower and it ?? Section can take from 4 to 6 months for the articles to be reviewed. The journal has an extensive author support system and it has recently introduced a paid expedited review process. The journal also mentions the average time for processing the manuscript under different submission systems - regular submission and expedited review.
Strengths of the journal: The journal has an online first facility in which the accepted manuscripts may be published on the website before being included in a regular issue of the journal. This cuts down the time between their acceptance and the publication. The journal is indexed in many databases, though not in PubMed. The editorial board should now take steps to index the journal in PubMed. The journal has a system of notifying readers through e-mail when a new issue is released. Also, the articles are available in both the HTML and the PDF formats. I especially like the new and colorful page format of the journal. Also, the access statistics of the articles are available. The prepublication and the manuscript tracking system are also helpful for the authors.
Areas for improvement: In certain cases, I felt that the peer review process of the manuscripts was not up to international standards and that it should be strengthened. Also, the number of manuscripts in an issue is high and it may be difficult for readers to go through all of them. The journal can consider tightening of the peer review process and increasing the quality standards for the acceptance of the manuscripts. I faced occasional problems with the online manuscript submission (Pre-publishing) system, which have to be addressed.
Overall, the publishing process with JCDR has been smooth, quick and relatively hassle free and I can recommend other authors to consider the journal as an outlet for their work."

Dr. P. Ravi Shankar
KIST Medical College, P.O. Box 14142, Kathmandu, Nepal.
On April 2011

Dear team JCDR, I would like to thank you for the very professional and polite service provided by everyone at JCDR. While i have been in the field of writing and editing for sometime, this has been my first attempt in publishing a scientific paper.Thank you for hand-holding me through the process.

Dr. Anuradha
On Jan 2020

Important Notice

Past issue
Table of Contents - Year : 2015 | Month : October | Volume : 9 | Issue : 10 XML
Select Speciality from the list below
All Articles (134)

Study of Third Coronary Artery in Adult Human Cadaveric Hearts AC01-AC04

Manisha Randhir Dhobale, Medha Girish Puranik, Nitin Radhakishan Mudiraj, Uttama Umesh Joshi

Pelvic Floor Support Defect in Apical Anterior Vaginal Prolapse with Cervical Hypertrophy. Review with Case Report in a 20-year-old Cadaver AD01-AD04

Kalpana Chhetri

Unusual Course of Splenic Artery: A Case Report AD05-AD06


Is Xanthine Oxidase, a Marker in Pre-eclampsia? A Case-Control Study BC01-BC03

Vanishree Bambrana, C.D.Dayanand, Pushpa P Kotur

Evaluation of CareSens POCT Devices for Glucose Testing in the Routine Hospital Setting BC04-BC07

Kagan Huysal, Yasemin U Budak, Hakan Demirci, Mehmet Ali Önelge

Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein: A Better Cardiac Biomarker than CK-MB and Myoglobin in the Early Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction BC08-BC11

Anand K Pyati, Basa varaj B Devaranavadagi, Sanjeev L Sajjannar, Shas hikant V Nikam, Mohd Shannawaz, Sudharani

Laboratory Profiles of Patients on Hemodialysis - A Retrospective One Year Study in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital BC12-BC15

Udipi Badikillaya Vijayalakshmi, Manasa Rayidi

Effect of Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) CC01-CC04

Tejinder Kaur Brar, K. D. Singh, Avnish Kumar

Diurnal Variation in Peak Expiratory Flow and Forced Expiratory Volume CC05-CC07

Arun Goel, Manish Goyal, Ruchi Singh, Narsingh Verma, Sunita Tiwari

Heart Rate Variability in Adolescents – Normative Data Stratified by Sex and Physical Activity CC08-CC13

Vivek Kumar Sharma, Senthil Kumar Subramanian, Vinayathan Arunachalam, Rajathi Rajendran

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Inconsistencies in Vancomycin Susceptibility Testing Methods, Limitations and Advantages of each Method DC01-DC04

Himani, Charu Agrawal, Molly Madan, Anita Pandey, Bhaskar Thakuria

Comparison of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Triclosan- Containing, Herbal and Homeopathy Toothpastes- An Invitro Study DC05-DC08

Basu Anushree, Mohammed Alimullah Fawaz, Rao Narahari, Tanveer Shahela, Afroz Syed

Screening for Mupirocin Resistance in Staphylococcus DC09-DC10

Avr Jeya Sanju, Sridharan Sathyamoorthy Kopula, Kennedy Kumar Palraj

Candiduria in Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection with Special Reference to Biofilm Production DC11-DC13

Mythreyi Shekar Rishpana, Jyoti S Kabbin

Bacteriological Quality of Treated Water and Dialysate in Haemodialysis Unit of A Tertiary Care Hospital DC14-DC16

Shiva Verma, V A Indumathi, K C Gurudev, Shalini Ashok Naik

Bacteriological Profile of Surgical Site Infections and Their Antibiogram: A Study From Resource Constrained Rural Setting of Uttarakhand State, India DC17-DC20

Vikrant Negi, Shekhar Pal, Deepak Juyal, Munesh Kumar Sharma, Neelam Sharma

Primary Bacteremia Caused by Rhizobium radiobacter in Neonate: A Rare Case Report DD01-DD02

Shreekant Tiwari, Siba Shanker Beriha

Simplified Protocol for the Phenotypic Identification of Carbapenem Resistance Mechanism in Enterobacteriaceae DL01-

Ramalingam Sekar, Ramesh Srivani

Scrub Typhus Seroprevalence in Healthy Indian Population DM01-DM02

Mallika Sengupta, Shalini Anandan, Dolly Daniel, John Antony Jude Prakash

Quest for An Ideal, Simple and Cost-Effective Stain for Morphological Assessment of Sperms EC01-EC04

Hemalatha Anthanahalli Lingappa, Abhishek Mandya Govindashetty, Anoosha Krishnamurthy, Ashok Kagathur Puttaveerachary, Sanjay Manchaiah, Indira Channagangappa Shimoga, Sushma Hulikere Mallaradhya, Sar

Malaria Diagnosis Using Automated Analysers: A Boon for Hematopathologists in Endemic Areas EC05-EC08

Aminder Singh, Vikram Narang, Neena Sood, Bhavna Garg, Vikram Kumar Gupta

Plasmacytoid Myoepithelioma of the Hard Palate in a Child – A Rare Case Report ED01-ED02

Padmaja Ramesh Kulkarni, Anita Pandit Javalgi, Bhaswanth Pottipati, Fazil Shajahan

Trichinella spiralis: Mere Co-Existence or Carcinogenic Parasite For Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma? ED03-ED04

Nadia Shirazi, Sampan Singh Bist, Sohaib Ahmad, Meena Harsh

Intraneural Hybrid Neurofibroma/Schwannoma In Scalp: A Case Report ED05-ED06

Kishori Moni Panda, Naik Reena

Intraparenchymal Angiomatous Meningioma: A Diagnostic Dilemma ED07-ED08

Divya Bansal, Preeti Diwaker, Priyanka Gogoi, Wazid Nazir, Anupama Tandon

Serous Microcystadenoma of Pancreas ED09-ED10

Puvitha Rajeswari Duraisami, Vinuta Malaichamy, Lalitha Chithambaram

Renal Myxoma- A Rare Variety of Benign Genitourinary Tumour ED11-ED12

Kamlesh S. Suthar, Aruna V. Vanikar, Rashmi D. Patel, Kamal V. Kanodia

Ectopic Paratubal Adrenal Cell Rest Associated with Mucinous Cystadenoma of Ovary ED13-ED14

Binny Khandakar, Soumit Dey, Prasenjit Sen Ray, Ranu Sarkar, Palas Bhattacharyya

Microfilaria Coexistent with Fibroadenoma – An Unusual Association ED15-ED16

Kavita Chandrahas Sane, Sandhya Unmesh Bholay, Vaibhav Bhika Bari, Manoj Narayan Kulkarni

Reticulum vs Inclusions: A Learning Experience in Haemoglobin H Disease ED17-ED19

Hanaganahalli B Sridevi , Anupama Hegde , Prashantha Balanthimogru , Urmila N. Khadilkar , Shrijeet Chakraborti

Choriocarcinoma with Uterine Rupture and Shock: A Rare Case Report ED20-ED21

Manika Agarwal, Ritesh Kumar, Jupirika Pyrbot, A.S. Singh

Gastric Glomus Tumour: A Rare Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding EJ01-

Tushar Sahni, Lipka Lipi, Pankaj Mishra, Smeeta Gajendra, Ritesh Sachdev

Subcutaneous Fungal Cyst Masquerading as Benign Lesions – A Series of Eight Cases EM01-EM04

Gayathri Priyadharshini, Renu G’boy Varghese, Manjiri Phansalkar, Anita Ramdas, Authy.K, Thangiah.G

Adverse Drug Reaction Profile in Patients on Anti-tubercular Treatment Alone and in Combination with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy FC01-FC04

Shamiya Sadiq, Vijay Khajuria, Vishal R. Tandon, Annil Mahajan, Jang B. Singh

Estimation of Stature From Hand and Foot Measurements in a Rare Tribe of Kerala State in India HC01-HC04

GN Geetha, Swathi, Sunita Arvind Athavale

TASER® Electronic Control Device-Induced Rhabdomyolysis and Renal Failure: A Case Report HD01-HD02

James Benjamin Gleason, Ibrahim Ahmad

Medico Legal Consideration in Postmortem Diagnostic of Intracranial Haemorrhage HJ01-

Francesco Massoni, Lidia Ricci, Maria Assunta Crusco, Serafino Ricci

“Why We Say No! A Look Through the Editor´s Eye” JB01-JB05

Aarti Garg, Sunanda Das, Hemant Jain

The Current Mental Health Status of Ebola Survivors in Western Africa LA01-LA02

Sankalp Yadav, Gautam Rawal

Competing Risk Approach (CRA) for Estimation of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY’s) for Female Breast Cancer in India LC01-LC04

Radhika Kunnavil, Chethana Thirthahalli, Shalini Chandrashekar Nooyi, NS Shivaraj, Nandagudi Srinivasa Murthy

Major Delays in the Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis Patients in Nepal LC05-LC09

Roshan Kumar Mahato, Wongsa Laohasiriwong, Kriangsak Vaeteewootacharn, Rajendra Koju, Ratna Bhattarai

Hepatitis C Seroprevalence and Risk Factors in Adult Population of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province of Iran in 2013 LC13-LC17

Masoumeh Moezzi, Reza Imani, Ali Karimi, Behrouz Pourheidar

Study of the Continuous Improvement Trend for Health, Safety and Environmental Indicators, after Establishment of Integrated Management System (IMS) in a Pharmaceutical Industry in Iran LC18-LC20

Pegah Mariouryad, Farideh Golbabaei, Parvin Nasiri, Iraj Mohammadfam, Hossein Marioryad

Thyroidectomy Under Regional Anaesthesia: An ORL Perspective MC01-MC04

Santosh U. P, Prashanth K. B, Shamna J. Mohammed, Nivedeeta J. Pereira, Srijoy Gupta, Sumanth K. R, Triveni K. M

Modified External Dacryocystorhinostomy in Primary Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction NC01-NC05

Hans Raj Sharma, Ashok K. Sharma, Rajni Sharma

Effect of Oral Lactoferrin on Cataract Surgery Induced Dry Eye: A Randomised Controlled Trial NC06-NC09

Jaya Devendra, Sneha Singh

Clinical Evaluation of Correlation Between Diabetic Retinopathy with Modifiable, Non-Modifiable and Other Independent Risk Factors in Tertiary Set-up in Central Rural India NC10-NC14

Anjali P. Shrote, Sachin Diagavane

Morning Glory Disc Anomaly, A Report of a Successfully Treated Case of Functional Amblyopia ND01-ND03

Humberto Cavazos -Adame, Abraham Olvera-Barrios, Alejandro Martinez-Lo pez-Portillo, Jesus Mohamed-Hamsho

Analysis of Vascular Access in Haemodialysis Patients - Single Center Experience OC01-OC04

R. Hemachandar

Clinical Profile and Predictors of Outcomes in Older Inpatients with Pyelonephritis in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India OC05-OC07

Gopinath Kango Gopal, Benny Paul Wilson, Surekha Viggeswarpu, Sowmya Sathyendra, Ramya Iyyadurai, Renuka Visvanathan, Kuruvilla Prasad Mathews

Early Menopause in Type 2 Diabetes – A Study from a South Indian Tertiary Care Centre OC08-OC10

T.V.D. Sasi Sekhar, Soumya Medarametla, Arifa Rahman, Satya Sahi Adapa

Prevalence and Spectrum of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease in Bronchial Asthma OC11-OC14

Sahoo Rameschandra, Vishak Acharya, Kunal, Tantry Vishwanath, Anand Ramkrishna, Preetam Acharya

Successful Retrieval of Uncoiled Coronary Guidewire Using Simple Balloon Method OD01-OD03

Shivanand Patil, Rangraj Ramalingam, Jayashree Kharge, Mohan Nayak, Cholenahally Nanjappa Manjunath

Primary Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome: A Case Report OD04-OD05

Deepak K Kadeli, Siddaraya Y Hanjagi

Innominate Artery Aneurysm: Simulating a Thyroid Nodule OJ01-OJ02

K. Felix Jebasingh, Dukhabandhu Naik, Anuradha Chandramohan, Rahul Thampi, Nihal Thomas

Pancreatic Lipomatosis: Complete Replacement of Pancreas by Fat OL01-

Paurush Ambesh, Hira Lal

Clinical and Haematological Effects of Hydroxyurea in ß-Thalassemia Intermedia Patients OM01-OM03

Bijan Keikhaei, Homayon Yousefi, Mohammad Bahadoram

Is Prophylactic Drainage of Peritoneal Cavity after Gut Surgery Necessary?: A Non-Randomized Comparative Study from a Teaching Hospital PC01-PC03

Salamat Khan, Pranil Rai, Gorakh Misra

Missed Iatrogenic Bladder Rupture Following Normal Vaginal Delivery PD01-PD02

Vidyasagar H Baheti, Vinayak G Wagaskar, Sujata K Patwardhan

Giant Gastric Lipoma Presenting as Gastric Outlet Obstruction – A Case Report PD03-PD04

Rajeev Nayan Priyadarshi, Utpal Anand, Manish Kumar Pandey, Binita Chaudhary, Ramesh Kumar

Gas in Hepatic Portal Veins with Gastric Massive Dilatation and Pneumatosis in Acute Pancreatitis PD05-PD07

Maulana M. Ansari, Nadeem Mushtaq, Vibhor Pateria, Imtiyaz Ahmad, Nitin Kulshreshtha

Schwanomma From Cervical Sympathetic Chain Ganglion – A Rare Presentation PD08-PD09

A. Affee Asma, E. Kannah

Primary Retroperitoneal Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour PJ01-PJ02

Tarun Jindal, Rajan Kumar Sinha, Barun Saha, Nilanjan Mitra, Subhabrata Mukherjee

Risk Factors for Stress During Antenatal Period Among Pregnant Women in Tertiary Care Hospital of Southern India QC01-QC05

Reeta Vijayaselvi, Manisha Madhai Beck, Anuja Abraham, Suja Kurian, Annie Regi, Grace Rebekah

Expectant Versus Surgical Management of Early Pregnancy Miscarriages- A Prospective Study QC06-QC09

Reshma Sajan, Mumtaz Pulikkathodi, Abdul Vahab, Valsan Mankara Kunjitty, Hassan Sheikh Imrana

Prevalence of Co-existing Endometrial Carcinoma in Patients with Preoperative Diagnosis of Endometrial Hyperplasia QC10-QC14

Pinar Kadirogullari, Cemal Resat Atalay, Ozhan Ozdemir, Mustafa Erkan Sari

Uncommon Presentation of Triploidy: A Case Report QD01-QD02

Isil Uzun, Özlem Pata, Cihat Unlu, Fatma Tokat, Mucize Ozdemir

A Rare Case of Bilateral Broad Ligament Haematoma in Twin Pregnancy QD03-QD05

Vijayalakshmi bankada, pallavi purra, Amulya marikatte ningappa, Shankar jirankal

Large Nabothian Cyst Obstructing Labour Passage QD06-QD07

Fisun Vural, ilhan Sanverdi, Ayse Deniz Ertürk Coskun, Alim Kusgöz, Orhan Temel

Urethral Diverticulum Masquerading as Anterior Vaginal Wall Cyst: A Diagnostic Dilemma QD08-QD09

Gurpreet Kaur, Sandhya Jain, Abha Sharma, Amita Suneja, Kiran Guleria

Appendicitis in Postpartum Period: A Diagnostic Challenge QD10-QD11

Divya Wadhawan, Seema Singhal, Nivedtia Sarda, Renu Arora

Fibroepithelial Polyps of the Vagina in Pregnancy QJ01-QJ02

Sunil Kumar Samal, Setu Rathod, Seetesh Ghose

Case series: Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Uterine Fibroids QR01-QR04

B.H. Radhika, Kusuma Naik, S. Shreelatha, Harshini Vana

Diagnosis and Treatment of Symptomatic Carpal Bossing RC01-RC03

Hendryk Vieweg, Sebastian Radmer, Robert Fresow, Arash Mehdi Tabibzada, Peter Kamusella, Fabian Scheer, Reimer Andresen

Current Clinical Practice Scenario of Osteoporosis Management in India RC04-RC08

Shailesh Jhaveri, Tejas Upashani, Jitendra Bhadauria, Swati Biswas, Kamlesh Patel

Management of Osteoarthritis Knee by Graduated Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy in 40-60 Years Age Group Using Limb Reconstruction System: A Clinical Study RC09-RC11

Rajesh Kapila, Pawan Kumar Sharma, Ankush Chugh, Randhir Singh

Claudication Due to Sciatic Nerve Palsy Following Nicolau Syndrome: A Case Report RD01-RD02

Masoud Hatefi, Nabi Ramezani Pirabadi, Javaher Khajavikhan, Molouk Jaafarpour

A Rare Case Report on Bilateral Intertrochanteric Fractures in a Child Following Child Abuse RD03-RD05

Raghavendra S Kembhavi, Boblee James

A Framework for Developing a Curriculum Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders for Primary Care Providers SC01-SC06

Pankaj Garg, David Lillystone, David Dossetor, Helen Wilkinson, Carolyn Kefford, John Eastwood, Siaw Teng Liaw

Biological Reference Interval for Hematological Profile of Umbilical Cord Blood: A Study Conducted at A Tertiary Care Centre in South India SC07-SC09

Febe Renjitha Suman, Reddy S. Sudheer Raj, N. Priyathersini, Rithika Rajendran, Rashmika Rajendran, Umalakshmi Ramadoss

SNAPPE-II (Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology with Perinatal Extension-II) in Predicting Mortality and Morbidity in NICU SC10-SC12

Shivanna Sree Harsha, Banur Raju Archana

Neonatal Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase II Deficiency: A Lethal Entity SD01-SD02

Sushma Malik, Ashutosh Abhimanyu Paldiwal, Charusheela Sujit Korday, Shruti Sudhir Jadhav

Acute Hypercalcaemia and Hypervitaminosis D in an Infant with Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis SD03-SD04

Devi Dayal, Siya Ram Didel, Sikha Agarwal, Naresh Sachdeva, Meenu Singh

Efficacy of Transcerebellar Diameter/Abdominal Circumference Versus Head Circumference/Abdominal Circumference in Predicting Asymmetric Intrauterine Growth Retardation TC01-TC05

Bhimarao, Rashmi M. Nagaraju, Venk ataramana Bhat, Puttanna VN Gowda

Optic Strut and Para–clinoid Region – Assessment by Multi–detector Computed Tomography with Multiplanar and 3 Dimensional Reconstructions TC06-TC09

K. Suprasanna, S.R. Ravikiran, Ashvini Kumar, Channabasappa chavadi, Sanyal Pulastya

Imaging Patterns in MRI in Recent Bone Injuries Following Negative or Inconclusive Plain Radiographs TC10-TC13

Raghu Teja Sadineni, Ashirwad Pasumarthy, Narayan Chander Bellapa, Sandeep Velicheti

Comprehensive Evaluation of Cardiac Hydatid Using 256 Slice Dual Source CT: One Stop Shop TD01-TD03

Neeraj Jain, Sonali Sethi, Nishant Gupta, Vandana Goel, Sunil Kumar Puri

Spermatic Cord and Peritoneal Metastases from Unruptured Hepatocellular Carcinoma TD04-TD05

Udit Chauhan, S Rajesh, Vivek Kasana, Shailesh Gupta, Chhagan Bihari

Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Schwannoma: An Uncommon Presentation of Schwannoma TJ01-TJ02

Pokhraj Prakashchandra Suthar, Kewal Arunkumar Mistry, Patel Rajan, Patel Ankit, Chetan Mehta

Acute Poisonings Admitted to a Tertiary Level Intensive Care Unit in Northern India: Patient Profile and Outcomes UC01-UC04

Hemani Ahuja, Ashu Sara Mathai, Aman Pannu, Rohit Arora

Psychiatric Morbidity in Patients with Chikungunya Fever: First Report from India VC01-VC03

M.S. Bhatia, Priyanka Gautam, Anurag Jhanjee

Personality Factor as a Predictor of Depression Score Among Depressed and CHD Patients VC04-VC07

Sattar Kikhavani, Hamid Taghinejad

Quality of Life Perspective Towards Acne among Adolescents at Tertiary Care Center of Gujarat, India WC01-WC04

Pragya Ashok Nair, Ashok Raman Nair

Pseudoepitheliomatous, Keratotic and Micaceous Balanitis: A Case Report WD01-WD02

Shashikant Malkud, Veeresh Dyavannanavar

Impact of Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Radiotherapy in Patients of Invasive Cervical Carcinoma with Inadvertent Hysterectomy: A Retrospective Study XC01-XC04

Sunil Choudhary

Adjuvant Radiotherapy with Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy of Lacrimal Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma XC05-XC07

Vikas Roshan, Sushmita Pathy, Supriya Mallick, Subhash Chander, Seema Sen, Bhavna Chawla

Induction Chemotherapy with Cisplatin and 5-Fluorouracil in Advanced Head and Neck Cancers: A Short Term Response Evaluation XC08-XC12

Raghavendra Rao, Suhas SS, Vijendra Shenoy, Mahesh Chandra Hegde, Vishnu Prasad, Krishna Prasad

Low Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma of the Palate: A Case Report XD01-XD02

Srikanth Soma, Shriram Bhat, Sunil Kumar Shetty

Validation of Gujarati Version of ABILOCO-Kids Questionnaire YC01-YC04

Shraddha Diwan, Jasmin Diwan, Pankaj Patel, Ankita B. Bansal

The Use of the MyoDK for Mechanical Pressure in the Treatment of Chronic Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Pilot Study YC05-YC08

Jason Outrequin, Farshid Moshiri, Rahim Khorassani Zadeh

Effect of Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum C-reactive Protein Levels Using ELISA in Both Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis Patient ZC01-ZC05

Bharat Gupta, Anshul Sawhney, Neha Patil, Manoj Yadav, Shashank Tripathi, Saurabh Sinha, Saurabh Sharma, Saurabh Gupta

Influence of Media in the Choice of Oral Hygiene Products Used Among the Population of Maduravoyal, Chennai, India ZC06-ZC08

Anitha Logaranjani, Jaideep Mahendra, Rajapriya Perumalsamy, Rajeshree Rangari Narayan, Sathish Rajendran, Ambalavanan Namasivayam

Total and Free Fluoride Concentration in Various Brands of Toothpaste Marketed in India ZC09-ZC12

Shibu Thomas Sebastian, Sunitha Siddanna

Efficacy of 0.25% Lemongrass Oil Mouthwash: A Three Arm Prospective Parallel Clinical Study ZC13-ZC17

Subha Soumya Dany, Pritam Mohanty, Pradeep Tangade, Prashant Rajput, Manu Batra

Perception of Aesthetics by Different Professionals of Different Communities ZC18-ZC22

Amit Pratap Majethia, Vaishali Devidas Vadgaonkar, Kiran Jayant Deshpapande, Parag Vishnu Gangurde

Evaluation of Patients’ Satisfaction after Class III Orthognathic Surgery ZC23-ZC27

Osvaldo Magro-Filho, Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Derly Tescaro Narcizo Oliveira, Lidia Pimenta Martins, Marcio Salazar, Rodrigo Antonio de Medeiros, Daniela Micheline dos Santos

Quantitative Analysis of Acute Phase Proteins in Post Chemo-Radiation Mucositis ZC28-ZC31

Chethana, Pratima S Rao, Lal P Madathil, Suresh Rao, Pushparaja Shetty, Madhvika Patidar

Fluoride Content of Bottled Drinking Water in Chennai, Tamilnadu ZC32-ZC34

Sujatha Somasundaram, Karunya Ravi, K. Rajapandian, Deepa Gurunathan

Effects of Scaling and Root Planing on Gingival Status during Menstrual Cycle- A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study ZC35-ZC39

Shivani Rathore, Nitin Khuller, Yash Paul Dev, Preetinder Singh, Patthi Basavaraj, Karan Gera

Assessment of the Potential of CFC (Calcium hydroxide Flagyl Ciprofloxacin) for the Rapid Disinfection of Resilon and Gutta-Percha ZC40-ZC43

Mariam Omer Bin Hamza, Khalid Gufran, Kusai Baroudi

The Mystery of Handprints: Assesment and Correlation of Dermatoglyphics with Early Childhood Caries A Case-Control Study ZC44-ZC48

Saumya Navit, Dheera Chadha, Suleman Abbas Khan, Rahul Kumar Singh, Nikita Johri, Pragati Navit, Anshul Sharma, Rachana Bahuguna

Effect of Habits and Nutritional Status on Clinical Grading and Histopathological Staging in Patients with Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis ZC49-ZC52

Abhayjeet Singh, Rama Brahmam Lanke, Rakhith Shetty, Syed Akifuddin, Manish Sahu, Navneet Singh, Gagandeep Kaur, Garish Goyal

Invitro Study of the Effect of Different Samples of Water Used for Washing the Etchant on Bracket Bond Strength ZC53-ZC55

Sandesh Phaphe, Chanamallappa Ganiger, Yusuf Ahammed, Pratap Mane

The Comparative Evaluation of Patient’s Satisfaction and Comfort Level by Diode Laser and Scalpel in the Management of Mucogingival Anomalies ZC56-ZC58

Rajesh Kumar, Garima Jain, Shrikant Vishnu Dhodapkar, Kanteshwari I.K., Gagan Jaiswawal

Arthrocentesis A Minimally Invasive Method for TMJ Disc Disorders - A Prospective Study ZC59-ZC62

Vidya Kodage Chandrashekhar, Umesh Kenchappa, Sangamesh Ningappa Chinnannavar,Sarabjeet Singh

Assessment of Fluoride Concentration of Soil and Vegetables in Vicinity of Zinc Smelter, Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan ZC63-ZC66

Nagesh Bhat, Sandeep Jain, Kailash Asawa, Mridula Tak, Kushal Shinde, Anukriti Singh, Neha Gandhi, Vivek Vardhan Gupta

Impact of Dental Neglect Scale on Oral Health Status Among Different Professionals in Indore City-A Cross- Sectional Study ZC67-ZC70

Pubali Sarkar, Pralhad Dasar, Sandesh Nagarajappa, Prashant Mishra, Sandeep Kumar, Swati Balsaraf, Afsheen lalani, Astha Chauhan

Prevalence and Association of Developmental Defects of Enamel with, Dental- Caries and Nutritional Status in Pre-School Children, Lucknow ZC71-ZC74

Pramod Kumar Yadav, Sabyasachi Saha, G.V.Jagannath, Sanjay Singh

Effectiveness of Various Sensory Input Methods in Dental Health Education Among Blind Children- A Comparative Study ZC75-ZC78

Aruna Kumari Ganapathi, Srinivas Namineni, Phani Himaja Vaaka, Vamsilatha K, Rupali Das, Maruti Devi, Anitha Akkaloori, Aravind Kumbakonam

Improving Gingival Aesthetics Using Platelet Rich Fibrin and Synthetic Collagen Membrane: A Report of Two Cases ZD01-ZD04

Debasish Mishra, Vijay Babu Kalapurakkal, Satya Ranjan Misra

A Rare Entity of Giant Epidermal Exophytic Naevus of Hemifacial Region ZD05-ZD07

Tanveer Karpe, Naveen Kokkula, Mohammed Abidullah, Kiran Gundamaraju, Fazil Arshad

Keratoacanthoma of Upper Lip: Review and Report of Case Managed Surgically ZD08-ZD10

Saakshi Gulati, Deepak Pandiar, Selvan Kakky, Achal Y Jiwane, Anita Balan

A Case of Intraoral Lymphangioma Circumscripta – A Diagnostic Dilemma ZD11-ZD13

Dara Balaji Gandhi Babu, B.Raj Kumar, Niharika Harsha Boinepally, Ashalata Gannepalli

Facilitated Eruption of an Impacted Premolar 8 Years Post-eruption Timing- Think before You Treat!!! ZD14-ZD16

Neha, Tulika Tripathi, Priyank Rai, Navneet Singh

Severely Resorbed Edentulous Ridges: A Preventive Prosthodontic Approach – A Case Report ZD17-ZD19

Shalini Karnam, Swapna Basimi, Haragopal Surapaneni, Sreeramulu Basapogu, Ramlal Gantala

Modified SARME (Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion) in Conjunction with Orthodontic Treatment- A Case Report ZD20-ZD22

Sagar Dahiya, Prasad Chitra, Sadam Srinivas Rao, Sukhvinder Bindra

A Novel Approach to Regain Anterior Space Using Modified 2 by 3 Fixed Appliance: A Report of Two Cases ZD23-ZD25

Ziauddin Mohammad, Sampath Redd Y Cheruku, Sarada Penmetcha, Apeksha Bagalkotkar, Surabhi Kumari

Atypical Presentation of Capillary Hemangioma in Oral Cavity- A Case Report ZD26-ZD28

Veena Raj Vasantha Kumari, Chitra Girija Vallabhan, Seema Geetha, Manoj S Nair, Tharun Varghese Jacob

Curcumin – Pharmacological Actions And its Role in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Review ZE01-ZE03

Abhijeet Alok, Indra Deo Singh, Shivani Singh, Mallika Kishore, Prakash Chandra Jha

Allergic Reactions to Dental Materials- A Systematic Review ZE04-ZE09

Meena Syed, Radhika Chopra, Vinod Sachdev

Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Picro Sirius Red Stain ZJ01-

Ketki Kalele, Noopur Kulkarni, Rahul Kathariya

Miles to Discover in Histological Grading of Odontogenic Tumours ZJ02-ZJ03

Anjali Narwal, Anju Devi, Achla Bharti Yadav, Virender Singh

Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma – An Unusual Presentation ZJ04-ZJ05

Shanmukha Reddy Kallam, Rashmitha Arutla, Sai Sravanthi Gadwalwari, Jithender Reddy Kubbi, Sanjeeva Reddy Gari Shylaja

Heterotopic Tooth: An Exceptional Entity ZJ06-

Ruchieka Vij, Meenu Goel, Puneet Batra, Hitesh Vij, Saurabh Sonar

All the research studies published were performed in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. Written consent was obtained from all the included subjects (or the responsible next kin), where ever applicable. In case reports or any article which includes patients images, permission was sought from the patient (or the responsible next kin) for publication. Whether or not this has been explicitly stated in the manuscript, this was declared by the authors at the time of submission of manuscript to the journal. In a rare event, if the consent could not be obtained due to loss of patient for follow up or death or loss of contact, even after reasonable effort, the editors then decided on case by case basis, weighing on the individual contribution the report will make to advancement of medical literature.